Pasteurisation of food using electric pulse technology
Pasteurisation of food using electric pulse technology.
Pasteurisation of food using electric pulse technology is no boiling water and is called “cold pasteurization”. Cold pasteurization kills all bacteria and viruses contained in the product, as well as their spores. The product retains all the vitamins and nutrients.
Pasteurization of milk, juice and other food products
Pasteurization of food products based on Yutkin effect
Pasteurization of milk, juice and other food products:
In the traditional sense pasteurization is a process of once heating a liquid food or liquid substances to a certain temperature.
This technology got its name by the name of its inventor – a French microbiologist Louis Pasteur. It was proposed in the mid-nineteenth century for the disinfection of food and beverage to prolong their storage. Since it applies to the present time.
Depending on the type and properties of food raw materials use different modes of pasteurization: long-pasteurization (at a temperature of 63-65 °C for 30-40 minutes), short pasteurization (at a temperature of 85-90 °C for 0.5-1 minute), instant pasteurization (at a temperature of 98 °C for a few seconds) the same process (to a temperature above 100 °C for several seconds) and the fractional pasteurization, the so-called tyndallization (fractional heating of liquidsgenerally, within 1 hour three to five times at intervals of 24 h. Tyndallization also used for sterilizing and preserving foods.
Traditional pasteurization in food are killed, not all bacteria. Some just slow down their activity. In addition, the spores of the bacteria remain in a viable state and in case of favorable conditions (oxygen, heat) begin to develop rapidly. Therefore, pasteurized foods (milk, etc.) stored in closed containers at low temperatures in the refrigerator for a limited period of time and in open container – no more than 1-2 days.
Traditional pasteurization and preservation are lost of the useful components (vitamins, enzymes etc.) and taste of the food.
Pasteurization of foods based on the effect of Yutkin:
Pasteurization of food products (milk, juices, etc.) and their conservation (vegetables, fruits, etc.) using electric pulse technology based on the use of effect Yutkina. In doing so, the pasteurization and preservation is carried out without boiling the water, and is called “cold pasteurization”. Cold pasteurization kills all bacteria and viruses contained in the product, as well as their spores. The product retains all the vitamins and nutrients. Such products are stored for a long time and retain their original taste qualities without change. However, cold-pasteurise food products must be stored in a closed container without oxygen.
The process of pasteurization using Yutkin effect can be used in the production of medicines and materials.
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