Colloidal gold and its preparation using electric pulse technology

Colloidal gold and its preparation using electric pulse technology.



Colloidal gold is a suspension of gold nanoparticles, ranging in size from 5 to 50 nm, in demineralized (deionized) water. Preparation of colloidal gold using the electro-impulse technology does not require expensive equipment, has a low cost and without waste.


Colloidal gold

Preparation of colloidal gold using the electro-impulse technology



Colloidal gold:

Colloidal gold is a suspension of gold nanoparticles, ranging in size from 5 to 50 nm, in demineralized (deionized) water.

Gold nanoparticles, in contrast to the usual volume of gold, have catalytic, ferromagnetic, customizable optical properties, as well as the ability to self-assemble. Colloidal gold absorbs and scatters light, non-toxic, chemically stable and biocompatible. Particles of colloidal gold have a very large specific surface area for binding with various molecules (antibodies/antigens).

Traditionally, for the synthesis of colloidal gold used chemical method is the citrate method. However, it requires a special chemical equipment and reagents. Well as waste produced chemicals (acids, gases, etc.) that must be inactivated and disposed of. Another way of obtaining – by means of electrolysis. The purified water is passed over the surface of clean gold, which is under the high-frequency current, as a result, ions of gold transferred to the water, and then water is passed through a powerful electromagnetic field.

Colloidal gold is used not only for spraying and giving of the “Golden effect” subjects in electronics, optics, cosmetics and also medicine and veterinary medicine.


Preparation of colloidal gold using the electro-impulse technology:

Preparation of colloidal gold using the electro-impulse technology based on the use of effect Yutkina. In this case the technological process of obtaining colloidal gold does not require expensive equipment, has a low cost and without waste. As raw materials use of conventional bulk gold of high purity (999). In the result of electric pulse effects of the cavitator in the water formed a colloidal gold with a particle size (nanoclusters) 10 nm. The solution of colloidal gold is ruby red in color.


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