Hydrogen fuel cells increased the intensity of the principle of work with their hands to purchase price cars device

Hydrogen and fuel cells.



Hydrogen fuel cells carry out the transformation of chemical energy of fuel into electricity, bypassing ineffective, running with heavy losses, combustion and transformation of heat energy into mechanical energy.







Hydrogen fuel cells carry out the transformation of chemical energy of fuel into electricity, bypassing ineffective, running with heavy losses, combustion and transformation of heat energy into mechanical energy. Hydrogen a fuel cell is an electrochemical device as the result of a highly efficient “cold” combustion of fuel generates electricity directly. Hydrogen-air fuel cell with proton-exchange membrane (PEMFC) is one of the most promising technologies in the fuel elements.

Proton-conducting polymer membrane separates the two electrodes — an anode and a cathode. Each electrode is a carbon plate (matrix) coated with a catalyst. On the catalyst of the anode, molecular hydrogen dissociates and gives off electrons. Cations of hydrogen are conducted through the membrane to the cathode, but the electrons are given to the external circuit because the membrane does not pass electrons.

On the catalyst of the cathode, the oxygen molecule joins with an electron (which is supplied from the electric circuit) and came with a proton and forms water, which is the only product of the reaction (in the form of steam and/or fluid).

From hydrogen fuel cells produce membrane-electrode blocks, a key generating element of the energy system.


The advantages of hydrogen fuel cells compared to traditional solutions:

– increased specific power consumption (500 ÷ 1000 WH/kg),

extended range of operating temperatures (-40 0C / +40 0C)

– no heat-spots, noise and vibration,

reliability during cold start,

– practically unlimited storage energy (no-discharge),

the ability to change the intensity of the system by changing the number of fuel spray, which provides almost unlimited autonomy,

– the ability to provide almost any reasonable energy consumption of the system by changing the storage capacity of hydrogen,

high energy,

– tolerance to impurities in hydrogen

long service life,

– environmentally friendly and quiet operation.



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