The yield of potatoes in the world and Russia

The yield of potatoes in the world and Russia.



Potato yield from 1 ha by country from 2005 to 2016, and in Russia from 1990 to 2018, an Absolute record for all time of observation belongs to Belgium – 501 kg/ha in 2011.


The yield of potatoes

The absolute record of productivity of a potato

The highest yield of potatoes by countries as of 2016.

The highest potato yields in the former Soviet Union as of 2016.

The low yields of potatoes by countries as of 2016.

Comparison of potato yields three super-States as of 2016.

Table yield of potatoes by countries from 2005 to 2016.

Table yields of potatoes per 1 ha in Russia from 1990 to 2018.


The yield of potatoes:

The yield of potatoes number of potatoes per unit of cultivated area. The yield of potatoes is calculated in quintals from 1 hectare (ha). In planning, accounting and economic analysis used several indicators of yield: potential yield, planned, expected, biological (at the root) and the actual fee (collected and considered products.)

Below is the actual crop from 1 ha by country from 2005 to 2016, and in Russia from 1990 to 2018.

Separately is the yield of grain in Russia for 112 years, and the yield of wheat by countries of the world.


The absolute record yield of potatoes:

An absolute record for all time of observation belongs to Belgium – 501 kg/ha in 2011.


The highest yield of potatoes by countries as of 2016:

1. New Zealand – 490 kg/ha, USA – 490 kg/ha
2. Germany – 444 kg/ha
3. Denmark – 425 kg/ha
4. Netherlands – 420 kg/ha
5. Australia – 404 kg/ha


The highest potato yields in the former Soviet Union as of 2016:

1. Uzbekistan – 225 kg/ha
2. Tajikistan – 214 kg/ha
3. Latvia – 213 kg/ha
4. Armenia – 210 kg/ha
5. Turkmenistan – 206 kg/ha


The low yields of potatoes by countries as of 2016:

1. Nigeria – 37,4 kg/ha
2. Bolivia – 59,1 kg/ha
3. Tanzania – 80,2 kg/ha
4. The Republic of Moldova – 104 kg/ha
5. Canada – 126 kg/ha


Comparison of potato yields three super-States as of 2016:

1. Russia – 158 kg/ha
2. China – 170 kg/ha
3. USA – 490 kg/ha


Table yield of potatoes by countries from 2005 to 2016.

(the actual harvest of potatoes per 1 ha by country from 2005 to 2016)

  2005 2008 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Russia* 124 138 100 150 136 147 153 164 158
Austria 344 332 306 357 305 286 351 263 362
Albania 167 194 231 242 251 260 250 243 246
Belarus 177 221 214 210 208 194 204 194 205
Belgium 428 461 423 501 454 455 540 469 382
Bulgaria 156 163 182 143 102 146 130 150 152
Hungary 259 269 217 286 218 233 270 241 252
Germany 420 438 399 458 448 398 474 438 444
Greece 184 253 207 202 199 207 236 242 238
Denmark 394 416 353 389 421 416 431 422 425
Ireland 347 310 344 342 258 383 403 424 391
Spain 270 262 294 307 304 309 335 319 327
Italy 251 227 250 249 255 252 261 272 284
Latvia 146 178 161 168 191 182 189 201 213
Lithuania 121 148 130 156 171 149 172 170 160
Netherlands 434 456 436 461 452 422 457 427 420
Norway 231 278 252 229 241 252 290 258 303
Poland 176 191 211 230 244 211 278 210 285
Portugal 138 146 150 147 178 182 198 198 191
Republic Of Macedonia 145 141 155 142 129 139 149 140 146
The Republic Of Moldova 106 87 102 119 75 101 118 72 104
Romania 131 140 133 164 108 158 174 138 144
Slovakia 158 172 115 209 185 183 196 179 215
Slovenia 229 227 245 264 234 188 269 274 268
435 417 439 432 306 409 419 433 387
Ukraine 128 139 133 168 161 160 176 161 166
Finland 257 261 262 276 237 281 273 243 271
France 422 417 422 469 414 432 480 425 390
Czech Republic 281 258 246 304 280 231 291 223 299
Switzerland 388 428 387 458 411 326 444 357 340
Sweden 311 317 301 320 326 338 345 347 357
Estonia 150 142 175 178 182 194 183 202 159
Azerbaijan 149 153 145 144 147 152 133 136 140
Armenia 165 189 170 194 207 214 232 218 210
Bangladesh 149 165 182 181 191 194 194 196 199
Vietnam 106 106 121 138 146 136 141 146 143
Israel 354 323 339 340 364 342 358 319 340
India 189 193 199 227 218 228 229 231 205
Indonesia 164 167 159 160 166 160 177 182 183
Republic Of Iran
255 265 292 276 279 290 314 321 319
Kazakhstan 150 144 143 167 166 182 184 186 190
Kyrgyzstan 148 157 158 161 159 163 165 165 166
China 145 152 157 163 168 171 171 172 170
Pakistan 181 165 227 219 183 218 182 234 224
The Republic Of Korea 273 294 248 232 244 265 275 266 263
Tajikistan 196 227 230 228 233 247 236 222 214
Turkmenistan 172 167 171 197 197 201 206
Turkey 265 284 323 324 280 315 324 309 328
Uzbekistan 170 195 195 196 270 287 305 219 225
Japan 316 323 278 295 308 302 314 316 312
Algeria 216 236 271 293 304 303 299 296 306
Egypt 251 259 259 264 269 266 268 270 272
Morocco 238 245 284 298 280 364 307 298 293
Nigeria 29,8 42,0 38,5 34,8 36,3 36,6 36,8 37,1 37,4
Republic Of Tanzania
51,7 50,2 85,1 76,6 73,3 87,0 91,7 For 84.4 80,2
Ethiopia 72,8 79,7 82,8 79,9 115 118 137 148 138
South Africa
334 340 343 350 351 354 356 359 361
Argentina 284 280 290 287 288 289 290 291 292
Bolivia 56,7 54,1 56,6 57,0 53,2 56,0 60,4 59,0 59,1
Brazil 220 254 259 263 274 278 279 293 297
Canada 284 312 128 120 125 132 134 126 126
Mexico 260 277 278 263 268 268 273 271 279
USA 437 444 449 447 458 464 472 469 490
Chile 201 173 213 312 263 234 217 190 218
Australia and Oceania                  
Australia 344 367 351 351 383 385 397 393 404
New Zealand 453 459 496 490 485 483 485 488 490

* 2017 – 163 kg/ha.


Table yields of potatoes per 1 ha in Russia from 1990 to 2018:

(the actual harvest of potatoes per 1 ha)

Year kg/ha
1990 104
1991 109
1992 114
1993 109
1994 103
1995 118
1996 114
1997 111
1998 97
1999 97
2000 105
2001 108
2002 103
2003 117
2004 116
2005 124
2006 133
2007 132
2008 138
2009 144
2010 100
2011 150
2012 136
2013 147
2014 153
2015 164
2016 158
2017 163
2018 170


Source: Rosstat, “Russia and countries of the world”, 2016 and 2018.

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