Disinfection of food products and long-term storage and raw materials of animal origin food
Disinfection of food and long term storage with the use of atomic oxygen and its compounds.
New technology of preserving and disinfecting food products based on previously unknown and unused properties of atomic oxygen and its compounds, also called active oxygen. HE-radicals trigger oxidation processes of organic compounds in water and air, initiating a chain reaction and oxidation reactions involving oxygen, which in normal conditions is almost neutral.
Description of the properties of active oxygen
The advantages of using atomic oxygen and its compounds
Features of the application technology of atomic oxygen and its compounds
Disinfection and prolonged storage of grain
Decontamination of food products (fresh, chopped)
Disinfection, sterilization and deodorization of facilities, and refrigeration units
Description of the properties of active oxygen:
The preservation and disinfection of food and feed today is a global problem for mankind. Despite the abundance of modern ways of preserving food throughout the world, they die for one reason or another about 30% and in case of preservation of grains and cereals this figure is close to 40%.
New technology of preserving and disinfecting food products based on previously unknown and unused properties of atomic oxygen and its compounds, also called active oxygen.
In nature, oxygen occurs as diatomic molecules, O2. Atomic oxygen (single oxygen atom) – Oh has an extremely strong oxidative ability. It is obtained by the decomposition of ozone, a molecule which contains three atoms of oxygen O3: O3 = O2 + O.
Under the action of cavitation in the formed atomic oxygen and singlet oxygen, and HE-radicals.
Singlet oxygen is the common name for the two metastable States of molecular oxygen (O2) with higher energy than in the ground, triplet state.
The oxidation potential of radicals greatly exceeds the same indicator of other oxidants (oxygen, ozone, chlorine, singlet oxygen, etc.). The main property that determines the high reactivity of HE-radicals, is the presence in the electron shell of the radical is an unpaired electron. Rate constants of oxidation reactions with the participation of HE-radicals, millions of times superior to the constants of the reaction with ozone.
HE-radicals trigger oxidation processes of organic compounds in water and air, initiating a chain reaction and oxidation reactions involving oxygen, which in normal conditions for most of the organic compounds is almost neutral and thus efficient oxidative processes allow to reach the deep decomposition of the undesirable organic impurities, until their complete mineralization to CO2, water, inorganic acids or salts.
The advantages of using atomic oxygen and its compounds:
pests and pathogenic microflora is completely destroyed,
– grains and cereals infected by ticks and other harmful insects, remain at 100%,
– quality indicators of grain and cereals remain in the normal range,
in the drying process for applying atomic oxygen energy savings up to 30% due to the sudden withdrawal of moisture from the grain,
– full freedom from rodents and typical storage insect, fungi and mould,
– atomic oxygen is reliably destroys not only the adult organisms, but their spores and cysts,
grain can be safely used even in the production of baby food, they contain toxins and allergens
products treated by atomic oxygen stored in the three times longer
treated with the use of atomic oxygen and the washed grains are stored for years.
Features of the application technology of atomic oxygen and its compounds:
– implementation of efficient oxidation process,
– the ability to work without the use of reagents,
– flexible configuration of the oxidation processes involving hydroxyl radicals, and singlet atomic oxygen and ozone,
– you can monitor the effect of prolonged oxidation,
– a wide range of possible directions of use
– full automation and remote control processes
– lack of technology – non-selective nature of the oxidation.
Disinfection and prolonged storage of grain:
The technology of disinfection of grain with the use of atomic oxygen and its compounds embodied in a special installation, simple in execution, consisting of two bunkers and screw. Inside the volume of the screw, which is fed grain from one silo to another, creates a negative pressure to prevent leaks of atomic oxygen and provides bactericidal concentration of active oxygen sufficient for its disinfection.
Grains and cereals infected by ticks and other harmful insect, after preparation by atomic oxygen remain at 100%. Pests and pathogenic microorganisms, including their spores and cysts that are completely destroyed. Storage completely get rid of rodents, insects, fungi and mold. Quality indicators of grain and cereals remain in the normal range. The treated with atomic oxygen in grain stored over the years.
Decontamination of food products (fresh, chopped):
Without any preservatives and additives it is possible to store chopped foods in less than 2 days.
Disinfection of food products using atomic oxygen and its compounds gives the possibility of storing food for 18 days in its original form, however, they do not lose their taste.
Disinfection, sterilization and deodorization of facilities, and refrigeration units:
Even low concentrations of atomic oxygen and its compounds in the air, on the order of 0.1 mg/l, with a small temporary exposures sufficient to eliminate stubborn odors, and complete inactivation of bacteria and viruses in the air, on walls, interior items. Installation of disinfection, sterilization and deodorization of the premises may be used for the processing of any premises: rooms, hotel rooms, offices, etc., handling the cabin of a vehicle, train, ship cabins, etc.
Treatment by atomic oxygen and its compounds working volumes of refrigeration allows you to securely disinfect and deodorize them in contact with external air, the download of the new product batches or periodically during the operation process.