Biological product for cleaning soil and water from persistent pesticides

Biological product for cleaning soil and water and increase yields.



Biological product for cleaning soil and water from persistent pesticides are represented by the line of biologics brand Arrebataran for organic farming, formerly known as “Phenox”. Tarabarin (Phenox) – “the world’s first” drug, effectively destroying up to 98% of all toxic substances that pollute soil and water.



Pesticides – the flip side

The purpose of the biologics Arrebataran

Properties and benefits of biologics Arrebataran



Biological product for cleaning soil and water from persistent pesticides are represented by the line of biologics brand Arrebataran for organic agriculture, formerly known as “Phenox”. Tarabarin (Phenox) – “the world’s first” drug, effectively destroying up to 98% of all toxic substances that pollute soil and water.

The basis of the product Arrebataran is a consortium of strains of soil microorganisms-destructors of natural origin that use the pesticide as a sole source of nutrition. Bacteria eat toxic chemicals (including organochlorine pesticides and phenolic compounds) and decompose them into water, carbon dioxide gas , and connections, safe for humans, animals and other living organisms. Biopreparation Arrebataran helps the soil to regain balance and fertility, stimulates fast recovery and purifies the water.

As a result of activity of microbes, the soil and water become clean.

Arrebataran cleanses soil and water, not only from pesticides but also from other pesticides.

The range of biologics brand Arrebataran also includes a product called Equalactin.


Pesticides – reverse side:

The use of pesticides have saved millions of lives, but, nevertheless, their negative impact on health traced, identified and proven. The bulk of pesticides – 95% – enters into human body with food. This chloroaromatic have carcinogenic and mutagenic properties that can be transferred by inheritance.

In addition, pesticides:

adversely affect the condition of the soil,

destroying natural ecosystems,

cause irreversible changes in the structure of biocenosis,

cause a variety of human diseases (infertility, endocrine disruption, asthma, autism, leukemia, attention deficit disorder, Alzheimer’s, brain cancer, breast cancer, brain cancer, prostate cancer, diabetes, fetal diseases, soft tissue sarcoma, Parkinson’s disease, lymphoma, congenital defects in development).



The purpose of the biologics Tarabarin:

cleaning soil and water from pesticides and other toxic chemicals,

higher yields.


Properties and benefits of biologics Tarabarin:

– able to neutralize up to 98% of toxic substances in soil and water,

the decomposition of toxic chemicals to a safe components,

– clear the soil from pesticides and other toxic chemicals,

protection of plants from any of the applied pesticides,

– improvement of germination of plants by up to 98%

reduction of the maturation period of plants for 5-10 days

– increase yields of agricultural crops in average by 30%,

stimulates plant growth is 20-25%,

– getting environmentally friendly products,

increase of soil fertility,

– solution to the problem of providing people with healthy food and safe habitat

safe for humans, birds and animals,

– reduces the risks of plant diseases, which gives the conservation of biomass and increase the yield by 10-20%

low cost. For example, Arrebataran AGRO 1 ha — 4000 rubles, Arrebataran “Own eco farm” 6 acres — 240 RUB.


Note: the description of technology in example of biologics Arrebataran.