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Amaranth and its properties for improving soil fertility, medicinal purposes and as a “storage protein”.
Amaranth is a versatile plant. “Storage protein”, “culture of the future” — so say about amaranth biologists in the world. Nutritional value have the seeds, leaves and flowers of amaranth. Also, amaranth is an ideal forage plant (green mass up to 3 000 kg/ha). Used in medicinal purposes. Used in the diet.
Amaranth and its properties in nutrition
Amaranth and its properties in fodders for animals and birds
Amaranth and its properties for therapeutic purposes
The Botanical name comes from the Greek prefix a -, meaning negation, and the words “maraino” — fading and “anthos” — flower. Thus, the name of the plant translates as “unfading flower”. Among the most common — “amaranth”. There are also names: barhatny, axamitny, rooster combs, cat’s tail, Fox tail.
It is a universal culture. “Storage protein”, “culture of the future” — so say about amaranth biologists in the world. Nutritional value have the seeds, leaves and flowers of amaranth. Also amaranth is a popular forage plants (green mass up to 3 000 kg/ha). Is also used for medicinal purposes. Used in the diet.
Amaranth is an annual plant of the amaranth family. Amaranth is not a grain, and seeds of amaranth are not grains, but are seeds of grass. Stem vegetable varieties can reach a height of over 3 meters and the whole plant weighing up to 4-4,5 kg. On the entire length of it covered with lush green leaves (up to 200 pieces per plant) on the various branches of the-Stepsons. The tip ends of the complex spike-like inflorescence (straight or drooping panicle). Amaranth seeds are small (about 1.4 mm), shiny, with black, pinkish, yellow or greenish in color. This plant is drought-tolerant, heat-and-light-loving, self-pollinating and is amazingly resistant to diseases.
The optimum temperature for development is 25 to 30 degrees C. Amaranth is extremely adaptogenic properties, ie very well adapts to a wide range of soil and climatic conditions. Undemanding to soil, grows well in saline soil, but prefers sod-podzolic and light loamy soil. Does not tolerate waterlogged and floating, and heavy loamy soils. Can grow in arid areas and conditions.
Amaranth is an excellent green manure, improves soil fertility, stimulating the activity of microorganisms that help to enrich it with nitrogen.
Planting the seeds at the end of may when heating the soil up to 10-12 degrees. The growing season, depending on conditions, is 90 — 150 days.
Sowing amaranth green mass is advantageously carried out with aisles of 45 cm, then progresiva crops after they reach a height of 20 – 25cm, leave for 10-12 plants per meter. If seeds with a row spacing of 70 cm leaving 4-5 plants per meter.
After emergence, the main concern is to not let the weeds choke them. Care is needed three weeks, and then Amarant himself oppressing all their “enemies.” His roots are strong and can penetrate to the soil water, taking out not only moisture, but also the necessary mineral elements, it contributes to the formation of a huge biomass. Thus, amaranth may play a role meliorant and to provide valuable food with high quality protein.
For the regions of risky agriculture it is very promising because in drought conditions are able to give constant yields, and in optimal conditions — high yields of biomass and grain. Collecting amaranth with curative intent, we must bear in mind that the herbs it can be used when the plants reach a height of 25-30 cm; leaves can be assembled with the lower tier plants throughout the summer until late autumn, while it is still growing, to consume, to prepare for the winter and for the manufacture of medicinal preparations
The grain should be collected when the top leaves become cream colored and the seeds are signs of slight fraying. To dry greens under a canopy, on the draught, without access to sun rays.
Amaranth and its properties in nutrition:
Amaranth is an excellent food product, and its oil and sprouted seeds have amazing healing properties. Nutritional value have also the seeds, leaves and flowers of amaranth.
Young amaranth leaves taste similar to spinach. They are used in fresh, dried and canned form. Use in salads, soups, sauces, casseroles, as fillings for pies, brew the tea and add to fruit drinks, you get a healthful juice and is prepared from a syrup. Harvest greens amaranth for future use by drying and freezing.
The traditional spring avitaminosis any meals and drinks with this extraordinary greens will help to quickly eliminate vitamin a deficiency.
Seeds in the first place, are a wonderful source in its properties the oil is more valuable than sea buckthorn. It is a great storehouse of unique the highest quality protein that contains lysine — an invaluable and indispensable to human body amino acids, which protein 6-9%, much higher than in the protein of corn, wheat, rice. In Japan, the nutritional value of green amaranth compared with the squid.
Amaranth and its properties in fodders for animals and birds:
Amaranth is a wonderful food for domestic animals and poultry. If you feed him green mass (up to 25% of the other feed), piglets grow 2.5, and rabbits, nutria and chickens — 2-3 times faster, the cows and goats significantly increased milk yield and milk fat content. The green mass of amaranth fed to pigs with a small amount of dirty, and the animals grow quickly, gaining over 4 months to 60 kg live weight.
Large amounts of vitamin C and carotene from food makes amaranth particularly valuable and good for the animals and the birds, so they don’t hurt.
Amaranth silouette well, but better to do it in mixture with maize, sorghum. Since the green mass of corn a lot of sugar and in green mass of amaranth is full of protein, silage from them is much more nutritious than the amaranth.
1 ha sown with amaranth, gives up to 300 tons of green mass.
Amaranth and its properties for therapeutic purposes:
Ongoing research has shown that amaranth is unique in its medicinal properties. Pharmacologists are amaranth oil a lot of interest due to the high content in its oil of squalene (8%) — a substance that is most potent antioxidant known. The main source of squalene for anticancer drugs, until recently, had oil shark liver, where it is only 2%. It is easy to imagine the prospects of the treatment amaranth. In traditional medicine amaranth oil is finding wide application: eczema, fungal skin diseases, acne, herpes, scars, burns.
Treatment with amaranth and preparations based on it revived and developed. Amaranth contains many vitamins, mineral substances and microelements, biologically active substances (rutin, amaranthine, vitamins C and E), which significantly enhances its antioxidant properties. The spectrum of the amaranth extends to the treatment of inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system, chronic ulcers of the stomach and gastric diseases, diabetes, burns, obesity, atherosclerosis, anemia, beriberi, angina, hypertension and, surprisingly, psoriasis — a disease considered incurable.
In addition, this wonder-plant produces a powerful regenerating and rejuvenating effect, strengthens the immune system, helps in the treatment of radiation sickness, in cleansing the body from salts of heavy metals, toxic substances, radionuclides. It helps to raise the level of hemoglobin and significant increase in the number of red blood cells. In other words, has hematopoietic effect.
In the form of infusions and decoctions, it is used as a styptic, in diseases of the liver and heart, to treat tumors, gastrointestinal infections and disorders. Claim that a decoction of its seeds it is possible to cure bedwetting in children over the week.
In General, we can say that the oil, juice, infusions, decoctions and green amaranth have powerful healing and long-term preventive effect on the entire body.
Scientists explain this by the fact that amaranth (his seed) inherent to the particularly strong biofield, which cause its miraculous healing properties.
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