Ink that can change color
Ink that can change color.
Scientists have developed an ink that can change color under the influence of optical radiation. Users can change the appearance of their clothes every day without having to buy the same item several times in different colors and styles.
Ink that can change color – the principle of
The use of ink in clothing, shoes, and other household items
Ink that can change color – the principle:
Scientists have developed an ink that can change color under influence of optical radiation.
Ink represent a solution is a mixture containing three photochromic dye: cyan, Magenta and yellow.
Photochromic dyes can be converted from transparent to a color due to the absorption of ultraviolet radiation (this process is called “activation”), and to convert back from the colored state to transparent due to the absorption of visible light (“deactivation”).
When cyan, Magenta and yellow photochromic dyes are mixed together in one solution and the solution is activated by ultraviolet radiation (i.e., all three color channel is completely filled), the resulting color is black. This is consistent with the color chart CMY: in the center of the diagram shows the result of the activation (saturation) of all three color channels in a black color.
Fig. 1. CMY color model
To get colors other than black, you need to disable one or more color channels. Disabling a color channel (“deactivate”) at the expense of the visible radiation of red, green and blue colors (RGB spectrum). So, the blue light deactivates a yellow photochromic dye, the green light deactivates the purple and the red light deactivates the blue. Changing range of light visible RGB-radiation, the intensity and duration of the RGB-radiation, the total ink acquire a specific color and shade.
To reset the color of the photochromic ink, we must re-activate them with ultraviolet light. Then, by changing the settings of the RGB-radiation, to give the new ink color and shade. The cycle of “activation-deactivation” can continue indefinitely.
The use of ink in clothing, shoes, and other household items:
Ink applied to any items (clothes, shoes, household appliances, etc.) and materials in any convenient way: with the help of spray, brush, etc items are placed on a rotating platform and using a special software illuminated by ultraviolet and visible light RGB-spectrum. Changing the RGB parameters of radiation and the area of absorption on the object to create any color pattern.
Thanks to photochromic ink users can change the appearance of their clothes every day without having to buy the same item several times in different colors and styles.
Special software has a user interface for the automatic processing of designs and templates, and upload the finished drawings. The program will calculate and generate on the subject of the desired image.
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