Flexible brick
Flexible brick.
Flexible brick is a thin, lightweight and elastic tiles with the shape, color and texture of conventional brick or clinker. Its surface reproduces the appearance of traditional brick or finishing of clinker.
Flexible brick is a thin, lightweight and elastic tiles with the shape, color and texture of conventional brick or clinker. Its surface reproduces the appearance of traditional brick or finishing of clinker.
Flexible brick is a composite materialconsisting of plastic (acrylic resin), decorative filler (marble chips etc.) and pigments.
Flexible brick can reliably emulate the laying of conventional brick: as with seams or without seams, horizontal, vertical or diagonal.
Flexible the brick designed for facing of external facades, socles of buildings, columns, fireplace portals, walls and arches inside. Due to its flexibility is great for lining curved surfaces. Can be used as a corner element.
Available in the form of strips according to the size of an ordinary brick. But the only difference is that the thickness of the flexible brick – 3-4 mm, and its weight is 3.5 kg per m2.
Has a wide color gamut.
Installation of flexible brick is similar to installation of regular ceramic tiles on an adhesive base.
The service life of the flexible brick of at least 20 years.
Properties and benefits:
– excellent and validly issued traditional brick and masonry,
– elastic and lightweight material,
– high resistance to abrasion and mechanical damage,
– tolerates temperature extremes,
– used in a wide temperature range from -35 to +85 OC,.
– resistant to UV,
– has good strength,
– has good water vapor permeability,
– applying it to the wall prevents the dampness of the walls, the appearance of fungus and mould,
– easily mounts to any surface: stone, plaster, brick, concrete, wood,
– heat-resistant,
– environmentally friendly material
– easily assembled without special skills and without special equipment. For installation you will need scissors or a utility knife, notched trowel, level, ruler, pencil and brush width of about 10-15 mm,
– allows you to hide cracks on the walls,
– water-resistant, non-absorbent,
– frost,
– protects the building structure from negative environmental influences (rain, snow, etc.).
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