Technology of extracting natural gas from hydrates
Technology of extracting natural gas from hydrates
Technology of extracting natural gas from hydrates by destruction of the crystalline cavitation method has simple implementation, high performance, low cost and no need to use additional substances.
Natural gas can be in different States of aggregation, including in solid state in the form of gas hydrates.
Gas hydrates (also natural gas hydrates or clathrates) – this crystalline compounds formed under certain thermo-baric conditions from water and gas. Looks like snow or ice and have similar physical properties. In fact, gas hydrates is a solid fine system formed by the water in ice state (matrix) and dispersed particles of natural gas. Gas hydrates are located on the bottom of the ocean. According to various estimates they can reach up to 90 % of the area of the bottom of the oceans, including the continental shelf and continental slope.
To extract natural gas from hydrates are mainly used technology, which is based on the heat of melting of the ice matrix or “chemical” melting the ice matrix by processing substances, lowering the crystallization temperature of the water. However, these techniques are difficult to implement and costly.
Technology of extracting natural gas from hydrates by destruction of the crystalline cavitation method has simple implementation, high performance, low cost and no need to use additional substances, lowering the crystallization temperature of the water.
Equipment for natural gas extraction using cavitation method can be placed directly at the place of extraction of gas hydrates from the bottom of the ocean. As a result, the performance of such equipment is comparable to the performance of the conventional gas wells.
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