Hydrogen production in industry in the laboratory of the household water reaction equation ways to write a pattern of hydrogen peroxide properties picking up metal detection scheme chemistry installation methods for the solution of decomposition of the drawings practical work grade 8
Production of hydrogen using aluminum nanopowder.
When interacting with water one kilogram of electroexplosive aluminum nanopowder stands out 1244,5 l of hydrogen combustion gives of 13.43 MJ of heat. The effectiveness of this process of hydrogen production is higher than in the case of electrolysis. Oxidation of electroexplosive aluminum nanopowder runs 100 %, i.e. the material used is fully utilized.
For a number of important applications in civil and military field need mobile energy sources, in particular, hydrogen, and technology, which would ensure obtaining of hydrogen in ordinary field conditions. The technical solution to this problem – the production of hydrogen based on the use of energy-accumulating substances with geotermiske effect, in particular the use of generators running on hydrogen the effect of self-heating of electroexplosive aluminum nanoparticles (ALEX) in water.
When interacting with water one kilogram of electroexplosive aluminum nanopowder stands out 1244,5 l of hydrogen combustion gives of 13.43 MJ of heat. The effectiveness of such a process of obtaining hydrogen is higher than in the case of electrolysis. Oxidation of electroexplosive aluminum nanopowder runs 100 %, i.e. the material used is fully utilized.
Features of the thermal regime of the process of interaction of aluminium nanopowders with water leads to appearance of new effects that were not known for reactions involving large aluminum powders.
First and foremost is the self-heating effect of the nanoparticles to temperatures above the temperature of the surrounding water to hundreds of degrees.
Thus the use of industrial aluminium powder of micron size of the hydrogen release rate is only 0.138 ml per second for 1 g of powder. Thus in the final product mixture of oxides and hydroxides of aluminium – turns only 20…30 % of the original powder. Aluminum nanopowder in their reactivity are superior to conventional industrial powders of micron size. At the same time, the rate of hydrogen evolution in the interaction of aluminum nanopowder with distilled water at 60 °C is 3 ml per second for 1 g of powder at 80 °C – 9.5 ml per second for 1 g of powder that exceeds the rate of hydrogen evolution during hydrothermal synthesis by approximately 70 times.
Another advantage of the use of the nanopowder in the reaction is that the degree of conversion of aluminum is 98…100 % (depending on temperature).
Moreover, the introduction of the distilled water of small amounts of alkali leads to a significant increase in reaction rate with increasing pH of the solution to 12 the rate of hydrogen increases up to 18 ml per second for 1 g of powder at 25 °C. the Rate of hydrogen during the dissolution of aluminum micron size in a solution containing 8 g/l NaOH at the same temperature, is only 1 ml per second for 1 g of powder.
The data show that electroexplosive nanopowders of aluminium, unlike the compact and large industrial aluminium powders, react with water with great speed and degree of conversion of ~100% and that their use will allow to produce hydrogen with sufficient speed under normal conditions.
– a simple and efficient way of hydrogen production in conventional and field conditions
– hydrogen production with high speed is 10 (ten) times greater than traditional technologies,
– cheapness.