Extraction of gold from waste dumps, industrial waste, etc.

Extraction of gold from waste dumps, industrial waste, etc.



A significant portion of the gold in the tailings is transferred technogenic waters. In a special place technogenic mineral formations laid module-filter “sorption traps metals”. Precipitation, which pass through the heaps that accumulate in them. Together with precipitation, gold is held and stored in “traps” and subsequently removed. On one blade such “traps” you can set dozens.

The technology is awaiting funding!



A significant portion of the gold in the tailings is transferred technogenic waters, and production of gold from them may be cost-effective. The method allows to produce the noble metalcontained in the tailings, and under normal conditions have man-made waters. New technology can be applied and exhausted on the old dumps, and mined gold deposits. According to preliminary calculations, during the first year of operation of one module of the received profit will cover the cost of a triple. The method is also applicable for the extraction of copper and silver.

In a special place technogenic mineral formations laid module “sorption traps metals” – in fact, the filters, “cleaning” man — made water, atmospheric precipitation, which pass through the dumps and accumulate in them. Gold is deposited and accumulated in “traps” which are then easily removed. On one blade, you can install them by the dozens.