Compound of manganese and arsenic

The connection of manganese, and arsenic.

Compound of manganese and arsenic (MnAs) exhibits a giant magnetocaloric effect at room temperatures. The adiabatic temperature change amounted to 15 ° C when placed in a magnetic field with a magnitude of 10 T.


Compound of manganese and arsenic:

Compound of manganese and arsenic (MnAs) exhibits a giant magnetocaloric effect at room temperature more than other materials, for example, gadolinium.

Thus, in the experiments the coupling of the manganese and arsenic (MnAs) in a magnetic field of 10 T maximum heated at 15 ° C (in other words, the adiabatic change of temperature amounted to 15 ° C), and the maximum amount of heat generated at the same time, amounted to 9.5 kJ per 1 kg of the substance.

The essence of the magnetocaloric effect is that if the magnetic substance (the magnetic material), in this case, the connection of manganese and arsenic (MnAs), bring a magnet, it will heat up, and if removed, then it cools down. This effect relies on the magnetic refrigerator.

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