Autonomous hydroponic module “Green wave”
Autonomous hydroponic module “Green wave”.
Organic automated hydroponics module “Green wave” is the most modern hydroponic greenhouse in the world. A module can grow 12 crops of potatoes per year and almost 12 months of the year to obtain various greens, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and other vegetables of your choice. Only 4,380 kg or 12 kg per day.
The technology is awaiting funding!
Advantages and distinctive features
Modifications contained hydroponic module
Organic automated hydroponics module “Green wave” is the most modern hydroponic greenhouse in the world. Autonomous hydroponic module is fully Autonomous, automated and needs only regular water and concentrated solution of nutrients is not more than 1 time in 1.5-2 months. Enough to fill it with a nutrient solution, with water, a concentrated solution of nutrients and lime milk for the correction of acid-base balance, connect to the mains, insert the cassette with seedlings grown, to ask the microcontroller the desired operation mode and wait for the Mature first crop.
In the offline module, you can grow any plantswhose height does not exceed 85-90 centimeters. A module can grow 12 crops of new potatoes per year, 12 crops of greens, and almost 12 months of the year to cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and other vegetables of your choice. One hydroponic module you can get to your table 4 different types of vegetable crops according to their taste. In this case it is necessary to consider that it will be vegetables grown without much difficulty, and almost sterile, eco-friendly, organic and therefore healthy and delicious with natural flavor, rich in vitamins, bioenzyme and volatile.
Just one big (base) hydroponic module, has a usable area of 4.5 m2, it is possible to grow the following crop a year, getting potatoes, vegetables and herbs to your table almost every day:
1. New potatoes 12 harvests per year – 1800 kg/4.9 kg per day,
2. Taste the greens 12 harvests in a year or 730 kg/2.0 kg per day,
3. Tomatoes 12 months of fruiting in the year – 600 kg/1.6 kg a day,
4. Cucumbers 12 months of fruiting in the year 1200 kg/3.3 kg a day,
5. Total: 4330 kg/11,8 kg per day.
For hydroponics intensive svetokultura and accurately specified microclimate parameters which are enforced consistently heated room throughout the year, such a yield is not the limit. It can be higher by 20% -50%. Labor costs will amount to no more than 1 hour a day, unattended hydroponic module can be left for up to 1.5 months.
Automated hydroponic module “Green wave” growing potatoes, vegetables and herbs on the principle of “Planted the seed and forgot about the plant until harvest”. In the day you will need to give it no more than 1-1,5 hours to spend on the purchase of organic fertilizers are not more than 2000 rubles per year. The only significant expense is the cost of electricity.
Design of an Autonomous hydroponic module is that provides a sufficiently large capacity, made of chemically resistant stainless steel, which is filled with concentrated nutrient solution. As the development of the nutrient solution, a concentrated nutrient solution enters the tank-mixer, and from there is supplied in hydroponic pool. It should be noted that, depending on the vegetation period, apply nutrient solution with different concentrations. So in the first week of growth, when the seeds had sprouted and taken root, it is almost clean drinking water. In the second week, the 50% nutrient solution, after which the contents of mineral fertilizers is brought to 100%, that is, to the standards adopted for a particular plant. Similarly, changing the luminous flux, the power of which in the final phase of the growing season the plants will reach 22,5 klk that would ensure the maximum yield of most crops. As the composition of the nutrient solution, and the luminous flux will be governed by a computer program.
The basis for the preparation of the nutrient solution is a unique complex of organic fertilizer, as the ordinary chicken manure, just cooked in a special way.
Advantages and distinctive features:
– fully automated, has a computer system built to the MCU, subordinate computer program,
– creates its own micro-climate inside the hydroponic module (internal zones), equipped with both heating system and air cooling system,
– constant aeration and disinfection of the nutrient solution in hydroponic pool
– has intense svetokultura (artificial lighting), built on white Led-LEDs with light temperature 6500 °K (full analogue of sunlight), with light output of 22.5 kilolux (for most plants enough 16,0 kilolux) per 1 m2. Light duration from 14 to 20 hours a day with almost complete svetoslavtsi,
– works on the principle of “Planted the seed and forgot about the plant until harvest”,
– low cost of growing plants. They include the cost of purchasing organic fertilizer is not more than 2000 rubles per year, and electricity costs.
Modifications contained hydroponic module:
1. The large (base) four-section contained hydroponic module for greenhouses (net area of 4.5 m2). Such a hydroponics module may be installed in the farm greenhouse, and in a small room of a residential building with an area of 10-12 m2. Its most characteristic feature is that the closed space with a volume of 4.5 m3 can hold up to 4 separate areas on 3 tapes each, and a total of 12 cassettes with seedlings. In each zone you can create a separate climate and lighting conditions, but because the hydroponic module can simultaneously grow potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers and greens. The large (base) hydroponics an Autonomous module with a usable area of 4.5 m2, will allow to grow at least 4 tons of products per year. The full electric power of a large hydroponic module 750 wattminimum power at night 200 watt, average power 500 watts.
2. The average two-piece Autonomous hydroponic module for private houses and apartments (usable area 2.25 m2). This hydroponic module can be installed in any apartment. In this module on 6 cassettes, you can create only 2 climate zones to grow potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes and greens. Average contained hydroponic module with an effective area 2.25 m2 will grow at least 2 tons of products per year.
3. Small single-section contained hydroponic module for the kitchen (utility area 1,125 m2). This module will easily fit in the kitchen. This module is for 3 magazines are intended only for the cultivation of cucumbers, tomatoes and greens. Small Autonomous hydroponic module with a usable area of 1,125 m2 will grow not less than 1 tons of production per year.