Utvinningen av gull. Effektiv prosesseringsteknologi.

Increased gold recovery from carbonaceous gold ores.

The use of this technology can significantly reduce the amount of organic carbon in the products that are sent for hydrometallurgical processing, increase by 2 times gold extraction when cyanide leaching, which is carried out by heating the pulp in the special conditions.

Technology description

Description of the installation

Description of technology:

The use of this technology can significantly reduce the amount of organic carbon in the products that are sent for hydrometallurgical processing, to increase 2 times the extraction av gull when cyanidation, which is carried out by heating the pulp in the special conditions.

The main method of extraction of fine gold is the cyanidation process. The essence of this process lies in the leaching of precious metals using dilute solutions of cyanide salts of alkali or alkaline earth metals. Received gold-containing solutions are separated from the solid phase (tailings) in the thickening or filtration and directed to the deposition of noble metaller of metallic zinc. The precipitate precious metals after appropriate treatment sent to refining to produce pure gold and silver.

Natural active carbonaceous substance in ores has a negative effect on gold recovery by cyanidation. This effect may be enhanced by conducting the oxidation of the sulphides prior to cyanidation, especially with the autoclave method.

The sorption capacity of carbonaceous substances may occur in varying degrees. In some ores, carbonaceous substances have a high settling ability and greatly complicate the process of cyanidation. But there are also ore, in which the activity of the carbonaceous components are much less pronounced or even noticeable, ikke vist. Derfor, the presence of carbonaceous substances into gold ore does not give us reason to believe its hard. Refractory ores of this type can be installed only to technological challenges. It should be noted that the allocation of carbonaceous substances by flotation typically not give good results in the flotation concentrate along with carbonaceous components moving also the most easily flotation DK particles of native gold.

Dette technology of processing of carbonaceous gold ores allows to reduce the sorption activity of the products sent to cyanidation, while reducing their output.

Teknologien involves the removal of the carbonaceous substances by flotation prior to sulfide flotation, etterfulgt av gravitasjonsbehandling av sulfidflotasjonskonsentrat.

Description of the installation:

Installasjonen gjør det mulig å doble utvinningen av gull fra fattige malmer. Det er helt automatisert, det fungerer 24 timer om dagen i kontinuerlig modus i motstrøm.

System administrasjon lar deg utføre dosering av kull, strømme, utgangs- og oppvarmingsløsninger, samt gir tilgang til de angitte parametrene i automatisk modus. Desorpsjonsprosessen skjer ved en temperatur på 170-175 grader og et trykk på 1.0 MPa. Volumet på stripperen er designet for 100 liter.

Due to the automation can be adjusted as the supply of coal and eluent to the apparatus, that allows a wide range to change the maximum capacity, depending on the concentration of gold in the original coal entering the process. Regardless of the source of gold content on the coals, you can get the eluates with a concentration of 1-1. 5 grams of gold per liter due to the operation of recycle