Pegas berkekuatan tinggi dengan elastisitas konstan

Pegas berkekuatan sangat tinggi menggunakan formasi yang dikendalikan teknologi dari substruktur berukuran nano yang homogen.

Pegas kekuatan tinggi tidak memiliki pengendapan dalam proses operasinya, celah antar-belokan yang konstan, yang tidak termasuk putaran benturan beroperasi tanpa kegagalan di tempat tinggi 30-40% tegangan, memiliki stabilitas karakteristik daya yang tinggi dan kekuatan yang lebih tinggi, daya tahan dan presisi geometris.


Teknologi produksi mata air berkekuatan tinggi

Pegas berkekuatan tinggi digunakan


Spesifikasi sesuai hasil tes


Dasar dari teknologi baru produksi mata air berkekuatan tinggi adalah pengoperasian mata air panas melingkar dengan kombinasi suhu yang optimal pemanasan, derajat deformasi selama belitan, sirkuit, dan pendinginan-tempering secara konsisten setiap pegas luka spiral dan teknologi pembentukan terkontrol dari Nanokonstruktor dalam material dengan deformasi kecil. Sebagai hasil dari operasi tersebut, nanosized substructures, providing high kekuatan characteristics of the products.

Pada waktu bersamaan, steel structure is different:

- great uniformity, high density of dislocations, nano-sized subgrains;

- smaller (compared to conventional treatment) of the amount of evenly distributed particles of carbide – cementite;

- within individual grains creates Nanoconstructor with low-angle boundaries;

- average size substructures elemen of the ferritic matrix is 20-40 nm, the whole interval common size is in the range of 20-100 nm.

It allows you to use standard spring steels and to the springs with unique characteristics.

The basic material for the manufacture of springs serve high-carbon and alloy baja.

Only on railway transport, the use of high-strength springs will significantly reduce the cost of the repair and maintenance of rolling stock and to increase the volume of cargo at the expense of increasing the load on the wagon axle.

Teknologi produksi mata air berkekuatan tinggi:

The production of high-strength springs is carried out in several stages.

The first step is to wire (rod) obesplozhennym remove the top layer and get a wire (rod) of the desired diameter. Then the wire (rod) is subjected to heat and other types of processing to obtain predetermined properties.

In the third phase wire (rod) is heated and is wrapped springs. Kemudian, by processing the ends of the springs, including mechanical. Setelah itu, the spring shall be heat treatment and surface hardening by shot peening.

At the end is zanemarivanja spring.

Can be used and additional technological operations: sandblasting, electropolishing, lukisan, anti-corrosion treatment.

Pegas berkekuatan tinggi digunakan:

mostly in railway transport (wagon and locomotive bogies),

di the electric power industry,

– suspensions of cars

- peralatan khusus,

– agricultural machinery,

– Elevator sistem.


– high-strength springs do not have precipitation in the process of operation,

– high stability of the power characteristics,

– high strength spring constant of the inter-track gap, which excludes the impact of turns

– work without failure at elevated 30-40% tegangan

– steel structure is characterized by great uniformity, high density of dislocations, nano-sized subgrains,

inside individual grains creates Nanoconstructor with small-angle boundaries,

– smaller (compared to conventional treatment) the amount of uniformly distributed particles of carbide – cementite,

– average size substructures elemen of the ferritic matrix is 20-40 nm, the whole interval common size is in the range of 20-100 nm,

– increased strength, daya tahan dan presisi geometris.

Spesifikasi sesuai hasil tes:

The number of cycles to failure increased by 10 waktu.

Tingkat tegangan operasi yang diizinkan di atas 35-40%.

5-6 kali peningkatan kinerja untuk sedimen mata air.