Nestemäinen lämpö Isolat seinille putkijulkisivujen sisäpuolelta ja ulkopuolelta osta hinta-arviot Korund armor astratek ominaisuudet

Nestemäinen eristys ”Isolat” lämpöeristepinnoitteiden levittämiseen.

Nestemäinen eristys “Eristää” on korkean teknologian hienoeristemateriaali - polymeerikoostumus, jossa onttoja silikaattimikropalloja, jotka on täytetty harvinaisella ilmalla. Tämän päällysteen erottavat ominaisuudet ovat: helppokäyttöisyys (tavallinen maali), ympäristön puhtaus, haitallisten aineiden päästöjen puute, käyttölämpötila-alue alkaen -60 että +500 ° C, aktiivisen kerroksen paksuus 0.5-3 mm, pitkä käyttöikä ilman suorituskyvyn menetystä.



Coating application “Isollat”

Perinteisten eristemateriaalien puutteet


Nestemäinen eristys “Eristää” on korkean teknologian hienoeristemateriaali - polymeeri composition with hollow silicate micro-spheres filled with rarefied ilmaa, which makes it light, joustava, elastic and provides good adhesion to the coated surfaces of various geometric shapes. Tämän päällysteen erottavat ominaisuudet ovat:

the ability to use a wide range of temperatures covered surfaces (up to +500°C),

high stability under ultraviolet rays,

– prevent condensation on cold metal surfaces (putket, roofing, hallit, manufacturing equipment).

The coating Isollat minimized all the known mechanisms of heat transfer. The main purpose of the material – reduced thermal conductivity – is determined by the ability to reflect and scatter the radiation: aikeissa 80% of the light rays and up to 90% of infrared radiation and low coefficient of heat transfer from its surface to the surrounding air. With prolonged heating and exposure to sunlight the properties of ultrathin thermal insulation does not change, ultraviolet radiation is totally reflected without damaging the insulation.

After applying layer forms a thin polymer pinnoite, jolle on ominaista joustavuus, joustavuus, toughness and small specific weight. “Isollatresistant to mechanical stress, does not support combustion and is significantly (several times) reduces the thermal conductivity covered her items. “Isollatdoes not lose its properties at sharp fluctuations of temperature and in high humidity conditions.

Nestemäinen eristys “Isollatdoes not require additional suojaa on the outside, the service life is not less than 10 vuotta.

A technical and economic comparison shows that the heat insulation on the basis of the cover of “Isolat” with a thickness of 2 mm corresponds to 40-60 mm of mineral wool or polystyrene of 40 mm. The use of double-layer coatingIsollatto reduce heat loss in 2.93 ajat.

The material is white in color. You can add a Collier to paint the surface in desired color.


– ease of application (tavallinen maali),

ecological cleanness, absence of discharge of harmful substances,

– operational temperature range from -60 to +500°C,

aktiivisen kerroksen paksuus 0.5-3 mm,

– long service life with no loss of technical characteristics

reduce capital and operating costs;

– vandal;

base resistance anticorrosive protection,

– resistance to changes in humidity and temperature;

suorittaa lämpöeristystyöt olosuhteissa pysäyttämättä tuotantoa,

- mahdollisuus hakea ilman ammattimaisten urakoitsijoiden osallistumista,

estää muodostumisen korroosiota ja lauhde

- duplex-pinnoitteen levitys “Isollatto reduce heat loss in 2.93 ajat. Eristys kannen perusteella "Isolat" 2 mm paksuus korvaa 40-60 mm of mineral wool or polystyrene of 40 mm,

suojaa pintaa ulkoisten tekijöiden negatiiviselta vaikutukselta: korkea lämpötila, kosteus (estää korroosiota ja kondensoitumista), auringonsäteily

- arvioidut eristyskustannukset 1 (yksi) m2 alapuolella olevaa pintaa 20-30% verrattuna perinteisiin eristemateriaaleihin,

mahdollinen yhteinen levitys perinteisten eristemateriaalien kanssa

- tarttuu eristettyyn pintaan,

kosteutta ei kerry, pinnoitteen ja eristeen väliin pinta-,

- soittajan lisääminen saattaa käyttää eri värejä.

Maalaussovellus “Isolat”:

rakentaminen ja jälleenrakentaminen (julkisivujen ja metallirakenteiden eristys, sisäiset tilat ja katot, hallit, poistaminen “kylmät sillat”),

energiaa, teollisuus ja asuminen (höyryputkien eristys, savuhormit ja savupiiput, venttiilit, kanavat ja muut prosessilaitteet),

öljy- ja kaasuteollisuus, petrokemian teollisuudelle (suojaamiseen korroosiolta ja eristyslaitteille tuotantoa ja kuljetusta varten öljyä ja kaasusäiliöt),

elintarviketeollisuus ja maatalous (säiliöiden ja säiliöiden eristys, teollisuusrakennukset),

tieliikenne (eristysautoille),

käytetään laajalti monipuolisimpien rakennusprojektien toteuttamisessa.

Perinteisten eristemateriaalien puutteet:


Mineraalivilla yleisin eristys, on kymmeniä valmistajia ja satoja erilaisia ​​kuin muut tuotemerkit. Kaikentyyppisille mineraalivillalevyille on yhteistä mineraalikuitujen käyttö basaltin ja hartsisideaineen perusteella. Mineraalivillan hyödyntämistapojen tarkkailu voi todellakin toimia tehokkaana ja kestävänä eristemateriaalina. Käytännössä, kuitenkin, kaikkien valmistajien suositusten saavuttaminen on mahdotonta. Useimmiten vuodessa eristystöiden jälkeen mineraalivilla menettää noin 40% niiden hyödyllisiä ominaisuuksia. Materiaali on ryppyinen, turpoaa altistumiselta vedelle, höyryä tai kyllästettyä ilmaa, which leads to a natural appearance of “kylmät sillat”. Mineral wool does not provide adhesion to the insulated surface. Between the insulation layers and the surfaces, make sure there are cracks through which warm air leaks out. Ajan myötä, this fact begins to gain importance, and the expanding cavity become conductors of heat radiation.

If you are using mineral wool boards and mats at sites with high humidity and significant temperature changes, the coefficient of thermal conductivity of the material increases significantly. When the material density of 74 kg/m2 thermal conductivity increases by 2.8 ajat, and at a density of 156 kg/m2 – 1.9 ajat.
It should take into account the effects of wind. At a wind speed of 0.7 m / s. the thermal conductivity of mineral wool will increase by 60%.

It should say on the environmental aspect of the use of mineral wool. It is well known that it is composed of carcinogens, and binders are formaldehyde resins that emit hazardous to human health formaldehyde and phenol. The accumulation of phenol leads to respiratory diseases, skin diseases, negatively affects reproductive function and contributes to the emergence of cancer. Mineral wool produces about 0.02 mg formaldehyde per 1 square meter surface per hour. Mineral fiber plates are gradually destroyed, turning to dust and dust deposited in the lungs of man. It is estimated that nine-storey panel building with an area of insulation up to 1500 neliömetriä. m. varten 25 years of operation will give not less than 1875 kg of dust made by the flow of air.

Mineral wool is positioned by manufacturers as a combustible material. Itse asiassa, in formal accordance with this statement in the event of fire, the concentration allocated to these materials, vapors of phenol and formaldehyde brings much more harm on the premises and people arriving personnel rescue services than direct exposure to fire and high temperatures.


Polystyrene foam has broad applications for exterior insulation of enclosing structures of buildings and structures. Meanwhile, this material is the highest number of complaints from the operational services. The accumulation of moisture between the walls (walling) and the heater leads to the rapid accumulation of condensation and frost, the appearance of fungi, micro-cracks and seams.

Polystyrene is prone to rapid oxidation even at room temperatures, which leads to sad consequences: the material is short-lived and fire. All manufactured varieties of EPS belong to the class of combustible materials, and many are simply hazardous. An even greater threat is the toxicity of the components of EPS in case of fire. The volatile products emitted during the combustion of polystyrene, lead to mass poisoning of people.

Even in conditions of normal operation, in the absence of light and precipitation, the EPS allocates benzene, tolueeni, etyylibentseeni, and acetophenone, formaldehydi, metyylialkoholi, and even styrene to 25 toxic compounds that pose a risk to human health.

Lopuksi, the polystyrene plates are a perfect environment for rodents, which in a few years turn them into twisty labyrinths – the foci of dangerous infections.

Polyurethane foam (PUF)

The main threat to the polyurethane foam insulation regardless of the method of application (ruiskuttamalla, kaatamalla, kuori) is exposure to ultraviolet radiation, which reduces its service life up to 2-3 vuotta. The superficial layers of rigid foam are a result of more light, joustava, conversely, more rigid. Efficiently to protect the foam from UV exposure is virtually impossible. Large criticism is the resistance of such insulation. Operating temperature of the polyurethane should not exceed 130°C (valid only short-term operation at 150°C). Traditional Russian temperature changes in heating and hot water, not to mention industrial production, significantly affect the efficiency of foam insulation. Tässä tapauksessa, the value also have relatively low strength and poor resistance insulation against mechanical influences. When wet insulation starts to produce ions of the halogen, which have a corrosive effect on the metal pipe that requires the use of additional hydroprotection. As a result of violation of waterproofing membrane and vapor resistance full design is not able to extract the accumulated moisture. The process of installing foam insulation on pipelines is quite time consuming and requires highly skilled workers, especially when sealing joints. valitettavasti, a significant part of preparation of initial components and spray foam are farmed out to random people. The chemical composition of the polyurethane foam in this case it remains on their conscience.

In the process of burning (ylikuumeneminen) of the polyurethane foam are allocated significant amounts of carbon monoxide, vapors of hydrocyanic acid. In the absence of antipireny additives in foam insulation made in the handicraft way, the fire spreading with high speed, and the amount of emitted harmful substances is increasing exponentially.

Insulation made of foam rubber

With all the advantages of heat insulation from foam rubber it is worth noting the exceptionally short time of its operation. Already at the temperature +90°C begins the process of destruction of this material. At +100°C, it very quickly loses its characteristics. This factor and constant changes in temperature conditions cause the insulation of foam rubber is only 2-3 vuotta.

On huomattava, että a common drawback of all the traditional types of thermal insulating materials is the inability to ensure efficient protection of surfaces with complex configurations, especially in the conditions of production. Metallirakenteissa käytettäessä on myös tarpeen lisätä korroosionestomateriaaleja.

Huomautus: nestekerroksen "Isolat" tekniikan kuvaus.