Zirconium, properties of atom, chemical and physical properties

Zirconium, properties of atom, chemical and physical properties.




Zr 40 Zirconium

91,224(2) 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d10 4p6 5s2 4d2


Zirconium — element of the periodic system of chemical elements D. I. Mendeleev, with atomic number 40. Located in the 4th group (old classification — side subgroup of the fourth group), the fifth period of the periodic system.


General information

Properties of an atom

Chemical properties

Physical properties

Table of chemical elements of D. I. Mendeleev



General information

Name Zirconium/ Zirconium
Symbol Zr
Room at the table 40
Type Metal
Open M. H. klaproth, Germany, 1789 Obtained in pure form by Jens Jakob Berzelius Sweden 1824
Appearance, etc. Shiny metal silver-gray color
The contents in the earth’s crust 0,013 %
The contents in the ocean A 2.6×10-9 %

Properties of an atom

The atomic mass (molar mass) 91,224(2) and. E. M. (g/mol)
Electronic configuration 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d10 4s2 4p6 4d2 5s2
The radius of the atom 160 PM

Chemical properties

Oxidation 0, +1, +2, +3, +4
Valence (+2), (+3), +4
Covalent radius 145 PM
The radius of the ion (+4e)79 PM
Electronegativity Of 1.33 (Pauling scale)
Energy of ionization (the first electron) 659,7 kJ/mol (at 6.84 eV)
Electrode potential 0

Physical properties

Density (under normal conditions) 6,506 g/cm3
Melting point 1855 °C (2128 K)
Boiling point 4377 °C (4650 K)
UD. the heat of fusion Of 19.2 kJ/mol
UD. heat of evaporation 567 kJ/mol
Molar heat capacity 25,3 j/(K·mol)
Molar volume Of 14.1 cm3/mol
The thermal conductivity (at 300 K) Is 22.7 W/(m·K)
The electrical conductivity in the solid phase 2,4×106 Cm/m
Superconductivity at a temperature of
Hardness 5 on the Mohs scale, 903 MPa Vickers
The lattice structure hexagonal
The lattice parameters a = 3,231 Å, c = 5,148 Å
The ratio c/a 1,593
Debye Temperature 291 K


Table of chemical elements of D. I. Mendeleev


1. Hydrogen
2. Helium
3. Li
4. Beryllium
5. Bor
6. Carbon
7. Nitrogen
8. Oxygen
9. Fluoride
10. Neon
11. Sodium
12. Magnesium
13. Aluminium
14. Silicon
15. Phosphorus
16. Sulfur
17. Chlorine
18. Argon
19. Potassium
20. Calcium
21. Scandium
22. Titan
23. Vanadium
24. Chrome
25. Manganese
26. Iron
27. Cobalt
28. Nickel
29. Copper
30. Zinc
31. Gallium
32. Germanium
33. Arsenic
34. Selenium
35. Bromine
36. Krypton
37. Rubidium
38. Strontium
39. Yttrium
40. Cubic Zirconia
41. Niobium
42. Molybdenum
43. Technetium
44. Ruthenium
45. Rhodium
46. Palladium
47. Silver
48. Cadmium
49. Indium
50. Tin
51. Antimony
52. Tellurium
53. Iodine
54. Xenon
55. Cesium
56. Barium
57. Lantan
58. Cerium
59. Praseodymium
60. Neodymium
61. The promethium
62. Samarium
63. Europium
64. Gadolinium
65. Terbium
66. Dysprosium
67. Holmium
68. Erbium
69. Tullius
70. Ytterbium
71. Lutetium
72. Hafnium
73. Tantalum
74. Tungsten
75. Rhenium
76. Osmium
77. Iridium
78. Platinum
79. Gold
80. Mercury
81. Thallium
82. Lead
83. Bismuth
84. Polonium
86. Radon
87. Frances
88. Radium
89. Anemone
90. Thorium
91. The protactinium
92. Uranium
93. Neptunium
94. Plutonium
95. Americium
96. Curium
97. Berkley
98. California
99. Einsteini
100. The fermium
101. Mendeleevo
102. The nobelium
103. Lawrence
104. Rutherfordi
105. Dubna
106. Cyborgy
107. Bore
108. Chassi
109. Materii
110. Darmstadtium
111. Rentgeny
112. Copernici
113. Nichani
114. Planovi
115. Of Muscovy
116. Livermore
117. Tennessen
118. Ohanneson


Table of chemical elements of D. I. Mendeleev


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