Airfoil for aerodynamic and transport new generation.
The ekranoplan is a multi-functional ship that in its main operational mode, flies by using “ground effect” on water or other surface, without constant contact with her, and supported in the air mainly aerodynamic lift force generated on the air wing (wings), hull, or their parts, which are designed for use with the action “ground effect”.
The technology is awaiting funding!
Marine multipurpose cargo-and-passenger ekranoplan A-050-742D
Technical characteristics of the ekranoplan A-050-742D-type
The ekranoplan is a multi-functional ship that in its main operational mode, flies by using “ground effect” on water or other surface, without constant contact with her, and supported in the air mainly aerodynamic lift force generated on the air wing (wings), hull, or their parts, which are designed for use with the action “ground effect”.
The airfoil is able to operate on a variety of routes, including those which are inaccessible to the ordinary courts.
Along with the higher hydroaerodynamics quality and seaworthiness than other high-speed craft, ground effect vehicles have amphibious properties.
In addition to the water surface they are able to move over solid surface (land, snow, ice) and based on it. The winged, thus, combines the best qualities of sea (river) vessel and aircraft.
IMO classified, the airfoil is divided into three types: A – the altitude is not more than the size of the chord of the wing, In – capable short-term and limited to increase the height of the flight above the screen and can last for a long time to break away from the screen to fly for an unlimited altitude (for aerodynamic).
All wig obey “International regulations for preventing collisions at sea” and are not considered as aircraft, able to swim, and as the ship is able to fly.
– high survivability, speed and economy compared to planes and hovercraft and hydrofoils,
– stealth and anti-mine resistance, the ability to move over the surface in a “direct” routes
– undemanding to infrastructure on the ground
– high operational safety for passengers and cargo.
– the need for specialized training of the crew to control the device,
– the need for a level surface (does not apply to ecranele), high thrust-weight ratio for production take-off,
– low maneuverability.
The Soviet experience:
For the first time ground effect was built in the mid 1920-ies in the form of increased wing lift when flying near the earth that sometimes caused crashes during landing of the aircraft. In the USSR, the establishment of wig was done by experts of TSKB po SPK, KB them. G. M. Beriev and a number of other KB. The latter was provided mostly small machines.
Thus, in SKB at the SEC, led by R. Alexeyev, was created ekranoplan “KM” for the Navy, nicknamed the “Caspian sea monster” abroad, five military ekranolyot type “Eaglet” (for transfer of naval assault on range up to 1500 km), the percussion wig-missile “LUN” six anti-ship missiles “Mosquito”.
By Robert di Bartini was created by anti-ekranoplan VVA-14. Shared their fate is unenviable and is currently not in use.
The fate Kranolta EKIP (from the words “ecology and progress”), Lev Shchukin in the form of a wingless discoid apparatus. He had a high rated capacity, was equipped with a unique multi-fuel enginesthat provide flight altitudes 3-10000 m, had a low profile in radio, acoustic and thermal ranges. Unfortunately, due to lack of funding and in connection with the death of L. Shchukin, the project finally implemented was not.
Currently, the Central design Bureau for hydrofoil named after R. E. Alekseev performs design work and production of sea and river wig, including marine multipurpose cargo-and-passenger ekranoplan A-050-742D type B.
Marine multipurpose cargo-and-passenger ekranoplan A-050-742D:
The type of vessel. Marine multipurpose cargo-and-passenger ekranoplan A-050-742D type B.
The purpose of the vessel. The airplane is intended for transportation of passengers and cargo in marine coastal areas, as well as for solving special tasks of the Ministry. Has amphibious and is able to get up on unequipped coast with slopes up to 5 degrees. Provided basing on the water and at the airport, 2nd class. Can be used as service-crew, ambulance, vehicle for monitoring the ecological status of inland waters.
District and operating conditions. Large lakes and reservoirs, marine coastal areas, the wind speed to 12 m/s, can be operated in the winter on snow and ice-smooth surfaces.
Technical characteristics of the ekranoplan A-050-742D type In:
Features: | Value: |
Length overall, m | 34,8 |
Breadth overall, m | 25,35 |
Overall height, m | 7,85 |
Draught overall, I more | 1,6 |
Displacement, tons: full | 54,0 |
Range cruising speed: when flying at the screen when flying out of the screen, km/h | 360 – 400 / 450 |
Passenger capacity, pers. | 100 |
The number of crew. | 4 |
Seaworthiness (wave height һв3%): during takeoff / at landing / in flight / while in the drift, m | 1,5 / 1,5 / no limit / up to 3.5 |
Lifting capacity, t | 9 |
The range of screen / off screen, km | 5000 / 1900 |
Powerplant — start engines / propulsion | P-195×4500 kg (as on the su-25) /TV7-117SM x 2500 BHP (as on the Il-114) |
Note: the description of technology in example ekranoplan A-050-742D.