Waveguide lasers, nitrogen, helium–neon, helium–cadmium
Domestic energy efficient waveguide lasers, nitrogen, helium–neon, helium–cadmium.
Waveguide lasers, nitrogen, helium–neon, helium–cadmium. Have high beam quality, reliability, durability, stable radiation.
Types of lasers:
Domestic energy-efficient lasers is represented by the following types: waveguide, nitrogen, helium–neon and helium–cadmium lasers.
They feature high beam quality, reliability, durability and radiation stability.
Waveguide (CO2) lasers:
Waveguide lasers is a gas – discharge molecular lasers dioxide carbon. Technological support of production of industrial samples of CO2 laser ensures the possibility of long (over 5000 hours) sustainable exploitation in the sealed-off Autonomous mode.
Nitrogen (N2) lasers:
Nitrogen lasers is a gas – discharge molecular lasers with nitrogen fill.
Helium-Neon (He-Ne) lasers:
Helium-neon lasers is a gas – discharge molecular lasers filled with helium and neon. They are presented single-mode, single-frequency, multi-mode and frequency stabilized radiation models. Emission spectrum data of the lasers is in the visible and infrared regions.
They tend to have low noise radiation, high radiation stability, low beam divergence of the radiation.
Helium-Cadmium (He-Cd) lasers:
These devices are sources of coherent radiation in the violet (wavelength of 441,6 nm) and UV (wavelength 325 nm) region of the spectrum.
Their advantages are: work in continuous mode, simplicity and reliability in operation, do not require water cooling and low power consumption.