Wave power plant and a multifunctional marine complex
A wave power plant, multifunctional marine complex prefabricated modules, the complex of combined production of electric power.
One of the promising energy sources that can be used to ensure the life and activities of people, is the energy of sea waves.
The calculations performed for the global ocean, show that the power of the waves in the seas and oceans can reach up to 10 million megawatts. Moreover, this energy is renewable.
The tremendous energy of sea waves is the cause of many destructions of beaches and coastal structures. Therefore requires special measures for the protection of shores, ports and coastal communities from the damaging effects of marine excitement.
The solution is a wave power plant, which is designed to convert the energy of sea waves into electricity.
– a wave power plant provides protection to the coastline, coastal towns, marinas, infrastructure, ports, resort, entertainment and tourist facilities on the coast from the negative impacts of storms,
– a wave power station combines 3 in 1 – combined sources of solar, wind and wave energy in a single complex with a traditional generating station
– reduce capital expenditures and operating costs through the combined use of several renewable energy sources,
– ensure continuity of supply to the consumer in any extreme and force majeure conditions,
– ability to create on the coast of the special recreational facilities with high environmental properties, at the expense of the complex of plants for the desalination of sea water and the system allows you to dispose of sewage,
one kilometer of the wave front can carry annually about 30 million kW of energy
– artificial inlets formed in the course of implementing similar projects, can be used to create yachting and boat Parking, facilities associated with the resort travel business, ports infrastructure,etc.
– the total volume of tanks for storage of water supplies and temporary storage of sewage may be up to 1.5 million m3.,
– design features of the station allow it to operate with equally high efficiency at different parameters of the waves due to the automated control system, which calculates the power of wave action, regulates the physical parameters of the working body and distributes electrical loads using specially designed for such stations of the generator,
– competitive advantage of the projectas known to develop wave station is designed for waves of a certain height and length,
– combined production of electricity allows you to effectively use the energy, despite the fact that alternative sources of energy, particularly wave energy is unevenly distributed over time and produced on the basis of their energy it is difficult to combine with graph of network usage
– the installed capacity of conventional generating stations comparable to the maximum load of the user and depends on the capacity of alternative stations, that allows to provide uninterrupted supply to the consumer,
– reduction of the fuel component per unit of energy produced,
– the cost of produced energy can be reduced by 14-20 %,
– the extension of the operating life of expensive equipment by reducing the accumulated engine hours and therefore increased period of operation before overhaul,
– for peak load energy is delivered to consumers, and in the case when there is daily or seasonal decline in demand in energy supply, it is used in the network facilities associated with the potable and industrial water and disposal of sewage,
– to increase the investment attractiveness of the region and its competitiveness in the organization of tourist and resort business
– the scheme of the energy complex allows to make the most flexible schedules maintenance and repair of power equipment without compromising the consumer.
Description of the wave power station, wave power station:
Wave power is the main power of a hydropower complex and designed to convert the energy of sea waves into electricity.
The design and nature of work, basic technological elements of the station is based on the interaction of coming and reflected waves.
Description multifunctional marine complex:
The technological scheme based on the construction of protective hydraulic structures with the use of a reference cell of the boom, allows you to cost effectively and reliably carry out the construction of dams, trunk piers, moorings, supporting load-bearing structures to accommodate the various structures on the water.
The complex will provide residential and social objects belonging to it, hot and cold water, and collect and dispose of sewage, not dependent on networks and communications, located on the shore.
The main components of the “multifunctional marine complex”:
– the protective zonewhich serves several functions, namely: stabilisation of the breakwater that protects the Bay from storms, load-bearing structure for the complex, and the grounds for the arrangement of private slipways that are of significant commercial, i.e. the profitable part of the project
– complex combination of energy conversion consists of a wave power station (WPS), Wind power plant (WPP), Solar power plant(SPP), the technical module disposed therein a water maker and a system for the disposal of sewage,
– the Central trunk pier, connecting the waterfront, the protective zone, yacht club, boat Parking, moorings of Aqua villas in one complex,
– adjacent to the Central guide pier boat Parking and berth for small size vessels. Capacity of Parking spaces may be 1000-1500 seats
– the quay wall and a jetty for cruise ships and floating hotels,
– a complex of private slipways with garages and Parking for boat, private pier and bathing areas, located on the protective zone. Boathouses are the elite country complexes that are located deep in the Bay and is designed for customers with high income
– floating piers–bath for 5-20 campers, shotname equipped with sun loungers etc. Possible postroiku 200 to 300 piers that will allow you to create a comfortable, organized beach places 2000-3000 guests at a time,
– the elite ensemble of buildings on the water, which consists of three blocks with trips to the waterfront, inner domestic spaces, private promenades, bathing areas and Parking for boats and jet skis. The complex of buildings stands at 150 meters deep Bay formed by the curve of the coastline and hydraulic structures, the length of it along the quay is 240 meters. The complex has a three storey component with a functional attic. The interiors are designed for apartments. Opposite the promenade and also from the opposite side, there are hotels, bars and restaurants with open air places and moorings on the water
– artificial Islands. Each island represents a cell consisting of a boom carrying a platform with an area of 0.6–0.7 ha with inner canyons that make up its own bays with moorings and Parking for boats. Each island is custom designed living area with an adjoining Park, landscaped 2-3 beaches and an artificial hill with a green array that protects the residential complex and a private Bay from the sea breeze. The residential complexes are designed individually and can be done as private villas or as hotel complexes. The Islands have a connection of communications through a protective zone with total networks
– in the Bay formed by the Central trunk pier and one of the segments of protective structures along the entrance channel is located infrastructure of yacht club with berths, piers and other components. The presence of the channel and distance from the coastline will allow to accommodate in this place sailing to the significant class
– mooring segments to accommodate the Aqua villas with their connection points to the system power and network security
– there, consisting of basic Islands, which are administrative and hotel buildings, sports fields and individual floating platforms with living rooms and private pools,
– tall landmark. It includes a hotel complex, located in two hemispheres at the high-rise residential component,
– directly residential buildingconsisting of two blocks of apartments which are connected by walkways and residential balconies using technological support tower atriums. In the Atria, which will be open to the beautiful view that is supposed to place swimming pools and winter gardens,
– the power unit. Building on the platform of the supporting waffle-Crete log booms at the entrance to the Bay in front of the fairway. The building is designed in the style of a medieval Fort protecting sea Harbor and functionally designed to accommodate conventional generating stations, and control systems for power and network components.
Description of prefabricated modules:
Load-bearing prefabricated modules to create multi-functional complexes in the water:
– the main piers,
platform for water recreation,
– there bath and sauna afloat,
– berth for small size vessels
– booms for breeding fish.
The basis of design are truncated hemisphere made of high strength fiberglass.
– large bearing capacity, platform 5 X 5 is 25 square meters retains buoyancy with a load of 5 tons,
– adaptability, easily transportable, the Assembly requires no lifting equipment and highly qualified specialists.
Description of the complex of combined production of electricity:
The main ideology of the project is the energy supply of the consumer based on the combined conversion of renewable energy sources (solar, wind, energy, sea wave).