Vertical farming – vertical farming.
Vertical farming – agriculture, placed in a high-rise building which is stacked use of space – tiered placement of vegetation, animals and fish.
Foreign experience in the construction and use of vertical farms
Description of vertical farms:
Vertical farming – agriculture, placed in a high-rise building which is stacked use of space – tiered placement of vegetation, animals and fish. In essence, a vertical farm – a multi-storey or multi-storey greenhouse livestock (fish) farm.
They are usually designed to accommodate the cities with the largest population density.
Vegetable plantings in a vertical farm can be grown based on hydroponics, Aeroponics, aquaponics , or with the use of the soil or its substitutes.
Livestock farms are based on the fact that after the cattle grazing on the green lawn, placed on a tier, it can run sheep or other animalsthat may eat the cropped parts of the green plants.
Advantages of vertical farms:
– vertical agriculture produces more, offspring, etc. of animals per square foot than traditional agriculture, greenhouses or livestock farms,
– vertical agriculture uses less water,
– plants grow faster and year-round, not just at certain times of the year,
– vertical farm suitable conventional warehouses and premises where the space from floor to ceiling may be occupied by several tiers of plants
vertical farms can be built, theoretically, in any place,
– has a flexible design and the ability to install additional modules
– include system for the collection and purification of water, recycling CO2 and waste, including residues of biomass
– cases of crop failure due to adverse weather conditions, drought, floods or the actions of pests eliminated completely
– increase the number of revolutions of the plants and reducing the turnaround time of plants in a few times
– increase productivity ten times compared to traditional agriculture,
– saving resources: water, heat, electricity, machinery, labour etc.,
– the possibility of building 100% energy efficient vertical farms fully produce for their needs of electricity and collecting rainwater.
Foreign experience in the construction and use of vertical farms:
Vertical farm of one foreign company are among the best in the world. They give a yield of 390 times greater than traditional methods of agriculture. Using these farms, harvested up to 30 crops in a year. Therefore, this successful experience of foreign companies and its technological solutions can and should be used at agricultural enterprises of Russia.
The company uses the technology of Aeroponics.
Plants grow on pallets, tightly covered with a special reusable cloth. The fabric sleep seeds. In the pan in the space under the cloth is a mist containing water, nutrients and oxygen. Fabric is arranged in such a way that moisture, causing it to seed. The fabric serves as a barrier, not allowing the fog to penetrate into the surrounding space. Seeds quickly germinate and take root. Plantsgerminating, firmly fixed its root system in a special fabric. They gradually grow and form a strong root system in the space under the cloth. From this space filled with mist, they consume water, oxygen and essential nutrients.
Special reusable fabric not only serves as a natural barrier that does not allow the fog to penetrate into the surrounding space, but also a great material to which their roots attached to the plant and in which well-rooted. After harvest, the fabric after special treatment, is reused.
For lighting of plants using artificial light. So for each top pallet attached led lamp. Each kind of plant illuminated by light with a certain spectrum, intensity and frequency.
Of pallets (10 or more) are formed in the multi-storey levels. Racks with trays can be placed in any indoor environment, for example in high hangar or a factory floor.
At the moment, the time for vertical farms, a foreign company can grow to 250 different species of plants.
It (company) vertical farms consume 95% less water than conventional farming, and 40% less water than hydroponics. Together with the mist to the roots of plants and serves nutrients, water and oxygen. The mist contains all nutrients, micro and macro elements needed by the plant. In the end, the productivity of vertical farms 390 times greater than conventional agricultural fields. And the whole farm is able to produce up to 30 crops in a year.
The whole system (feed fog, lighting, etc.) is controlled remotely by the computer. Intelligent control system, having accumulated the necessary analytical material, has the ability to anticipate the future result, i.e. the yield. It allows you to avoid typical risks inherent in traditional agriculture.
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