Vermicompost – an artificial, a full earth.
Vermicompost is an artificial, full-mold, in which it was possible to repeat the processes of soil formation, walking in the virgin forests Chernozem. Vermicompost is organic fertilizer, rich in nutrients (macro and micronutrients), enzymes, microflora. Vermicompost increases the yield of almost all crops by at least 30 – 40%.
Vermicompost is an artificial, full-mold, in which it was possible to repeat the processes of soil formation, walking in the virgin forests Chernozem. Foods grown on soils with artificial soil, are valuable, because they contain all the components necessary for life.
Vermicompost is the result of processing earthworms of different organic waste such as food waste, waste processing plants, peat, manure, dung, feces, waste wood , etc. It is environmentally friendly fertilizer, rich in nutrients (macro and micronutrients), enzymes, microflora. It is far superior to other organic fertilizers for effects on growth, development and yield of crops. In the composition of ecocomposite a movable water-soluble fraction of humates: humates lithium, potassium, sodium. This is the most valuable substances for any plant.
Vermicompost contains:
– auxin – a growth stimulator of fruits, shoots of plants that have a high physiological activity,
– IAA (β-indole-acetic acid), which affects growth processes,
– fulvic acids – organic acids-specific soil humus, characterized by high contents of carbohydrates.
Vermicompost is the soil color from light brown to black with acidity PH 6 to 8, the structure of which formed small (0.1 – 0.3 mm) and large(up to 10mm) lumps, inhabited by the microflora and earthworms. Produced on an industrial scale, the vermicompost can be directed to restoring the natural fertility of the land, including reclaimed.
– the use of vermicompost allows to obtain ecologically clean products
– increases the yield of almost all crops by at least 30 – 40%,
– improves palatability and marketability of farmed products
– accelerates the production of high quality seedlings and early products
– provides the best possible care of home flowers and ornamental plants,
– allows you to perfectly prepare a variety of fertile soils for greenhouses, greenhouses, etc.,
– approximately 15 times more effective than organic fertilizers
– holds up to 60-70% moisture,
– promotes rapid growth and development of plants
– revitalizes the soil, thereby increasing resistance to various diseases
– products grown in this fertilizer suitable for longer term storage,
– contains humic acids, which have a negative impact on the development of harmful microorganisms in the soil.
Note: © Photo .