Unmanned ship
Unmanned ship.
Technology is in the process of development!
The unmanned ship is a type of unmanned vehicles intended for the carriage of goods by seas and rivers. Unmanned vessel capable of operating in all weather conditions, including in conditions of poor visibility.
Drone ship:
The unmanned ship is a type of unmanned vehicles intended for the carriage of goods by seas and rivers. It is equipped with automatic control system, a vision system (including thermal imaging cameras and radar), a system of precision satellite navigation and precision driving. Unmanned vessel capable of operating in all weather conditions, including in conditions of poor visibility.
Control of unmanned vessel is carried out remotely by the operator, who at any time has the ability to access all cameras, thermal images and radar data. It also has the ability to communicate with other vessels in the vicinity and listen to the broadcast.
All approaching vehicles receive the signal from the automatic identification system on the approaching drone.
The unmanned ship will reduce personnel expenses and pollution, and reduce to zero the probability of death of seafarers.
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