Transmutation of chemical elements with the help of chemicals and bacteria
Transmutation of chemical elements.
Transmutation of chemical elements with the help of chemicals and bacteria provides valuable and valuable isotopes in large quantities and also provide 100% deactivation of nuclear waste.
In the physics of transmutation the transformation of atoms of one chemical element to the other due to radioactive decay of their nuclei, or nuclear reactions. Currently, in physics the term is used rarely.
With today’s technologies, transmutation is carried out either under a nuclear chain reaction, when during the explosion of the original uranium-235 is transformed into other elements, either in nuclear reactors, when exposed to bombardment by neutrons of the same uranium-235 is converted into other elements. Thus, were artificially produced plutonium, curium, France, California, americium, and so on – elements, which are either not the nature of or obtaining from natural sources is practically impossible.
Today, however, made a revolution in chemistry and physics. Open method of transmutation of chemical elements with the help of biochemistry.
Using chemicals and bacteria, from orecontaining natural uranium-238, the price of which 50-60 U.S. dollars per kilogram, you can obtain a greater part of the known valuable and valuable isotopes kilograms and even tons.
You can get:
– actinium-227, which is less than a gram. Actinium-227 will provide a revolution in the global energy sector, as it will increase the efficiency of nuclear power plants 10 times
– americium. He will make a revolution in industrial inspection and search of minerals,
– polonium
– other valuable and valuable isotopes.
In addition, the technology of transmutation of the chemical elements in bacteria and reagents allows for 100% deactivation of nuclear waste. At the same time in the deactivation process in transmutation of nuclear waste appear valuable elements, including gold and platinumstable isotopes, and radioactive.
– getting valuable and valuable isotopes of the chemical elements in large quantities
– 100% deactivation of nuclear waste.
Note: © Photo