Titanium alloy is more durable than pure titanium GOST mechanical properties processing brand composition characteristics use strength pipe marking bars foundry structure heat treatment

Titanium alloy is more durable than pure titanium.



Titanium alloy is a special connection on the basis of titanium and compounds of titanium and boron, which are not the normal “alloy”, a special composite material, similar in structure to the honeycomb of bees, or mosaic. This alloy has a low specific weight, high corrosion resistance, hypoallergenic. In contrast to pure titanium titanium alloy has high strength and hardness.







Titanium alloy, more precisely a composite “titanium-titanium boron” as pure titanium, has a low specific weight, high corrosion resistance, hypoallergenic. In contrast to pure titanium titanium alloy has high strength and hardness.

The main drawback of titanium is a relatively low hardness, which does not allow to use Titan as a base for cutting tools or other devices and products that require materials that are resilient to deformation.

Titanium alloy is a special connection on the basis of titanium and compounds of titanium and boron, which are not the normal “alloy”, a special composite material, similar in structure to the honeycomb of bees, or mosaic.

The components of this material perform different functions. In particular, the walls of “cells” of this composite material is composed of a boride of titanium, more durable and solid material and voids between them filled with titanium, a softer and more flexible than the compound of boron and titanium.

This is very durable and the plastic material on the basis of the SOT can be obtained, sintering the mixture of powders of titanium and titanium diboride at temperatures of about 1000 OS. In such circumstances, the matrix of boride titanium can be processed and deformed without cracking in their structure.



– high corrosion resistance,

low specific weight,

– hypoallergenic,

non-magnetic material,

– high strength and hardness.



manufacturer of heavy duty and light medical and aerospace devices, tools and products

manufacturing of cutting tools.