
Thermoelectric module that converts heat into electrical energy Peltier to purchase a generator calculation

Thermoelectric module that converts heat into electrical energy.



Thermoelectric module (Converter) is a semiconductor wafer consisting of two parts – if one side to attach to the warmth and another to cold, it will produce electricity.







Thermoelectric module (TEM) is a unique device of energy conversion of thermal and electric.

Direct conversion of the electrical energy into thermal (heating, cooling) and Vice versa – the thermoelectric effect was discovered in 1821 by Thomas Johann Seabeam in 1834 by Jean-Charles Peltier, in 1858, William Thomson (or Kelvin). Respectively, and are called thermoelectric effects (phenomena) by the name of its discoverers: the Seebeck effect, the Peltier effect, the Thomson effect.

The phenomenon of electric current in a closed circuit, consisting of connected dissimilar conductors, between which there is a temperature gradient, called the Seebeck effect or thermoelectric effect.

Thermoelectric phenomenon, in which the release or absorption of heat during the passage of electric current at the contact (junction) of two different conductors, called a Peltier effect.

Thermoelectric module (Converter) is a semiconductor wafer consisting of two parts — if one side to attach to the warmth and another to cold, it will produce electricity.

Russian scientists have created a thermoelectric semiconductor material, which provides the most high in the world today the rate of conversion of heat into electricity. In addition, the distance between thermocouples — semiconductor plates that are teploperenosa surfaces, was able to separate 16 see Standard thermoelectric module on a flexible substrate has a size 2210 * 189 mm.

Thermoelectric module 60 of the semiconductor transitions can convert thermal energy to electrical in the range from -50 to +250°C. for Example, if one side up to 210-218°C, and the second cooled to 0-1°C, the thermoelectric module 60 of the semiconductor transitions generates a voltage of 0.5 V. In a semiconductor module of their (semiconductor junctions) up to 400 pieces.



– autonomy,

no noise when working,

– reliability in use,

long service life.



in air conditioning systems, refrigeration equipment,

in the devices and systems of ventilation, water supply and drainage for efficient conversion of heat losses in electrical energy.


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