The use of a sulfuric acid solution of ammonium nitrate and sodium chloride during anodic electrolytic affilirovany.
The use of a sulfuric acid solution of ammonium nitrate and sodium chloride during anodic electrolytic affilirovany allows you to obtain gold of high purity of the anode material of different composition. Its use significantly reduces the process of obtaining gold.
The use of a sulfuric acid solution of ammonium nitrate and sodium chloride during anodic electrolytic affilirovany:
Refining is a process of deep purification of gold, silver and other precious metals from other cheaper metals.
The refining of gold and other precious metals is done in several stages, which include stage anodic electrolytic affilirovany.
Known traditional methods are anodic electrolytic affilirovany, including dissolution of gold-bearing material in solutions consisting of hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, and their mixtures in different ratios, as well as in landamerica solutions. These methods are characterized by high toxicity and the complexity of the subsequent disposal of the resulting solutions.
Proposed as electrolyte to use more available and less toxic sulfuric acid solution of nitrate of ammonium and chloride of sodium. Its use significantly reduces the process of anodic electrolytic affilirovany and allows you to get gold with a high purity of the anode material of different composition.
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