The thermodynamic cycle of Mysienko

The thermodynamic cycle of Miscenko.



The thermodynamic cycle of Miscenko is a unique process of evaporative cooling, moisturizing and condensation of outside air in order to produce distilled water, cold, energy and air-conditioning.



Evaporative cooling in a cycle of Mysienko





The thermodynamic cycle of Mysienko (M‐cycle) uses a unique process of evaporative cooling, moisturizing and condensation of the outside air for the production of distilled water, cold, energy and conditioned air.

M‐cycle overcomes the thermodynamic barrier, the cooling air or liquid below the temperature of the wet thermometer, the temperature reaching the dew point.

M‐cycle combines heat transfer and evaporative cooling in a unique regenerative indirect evaporative cooling process, which in the final product stream reaches a dew point temperature of incoming air. At the same time, heating the flow of air becomes saturated is better than any other humidification of air. After the process of indirect heat exchange between these streams, moisture condenseries from a worker thread to collect the distilled water.

Technology M‐cycle condensed produces pure drinking water from air or distilled water from any water source (including saline or contaminated water source), using low-grade heat (low temperature), including through natural renewable energy.

Mysienko cycle (M-cycle) is also the most effective process of recycling of heat. Moreover, this process allows efficient (using only one heat exchanger) disposed warmth (explicit and hidden) of the exhaust gases even when their temperature is insignificant (less than 50°C) with high thermal efficiency (92 – 97%).


Evaporative cooling in a cycle of Mysienko:

The figure shows a unit cell of a counter-flow heat and mass transfer device indirectly by evaporative cooling. Each cell consists of 2 channel types: dry and wet, having a high thermal conductivity in the transverse direction. From the data of cells going teplomassoobmen the apparatus of Miscenko.

External air flow is cooled in a dry working channel due to the contact with the reverse surface of the wet channel, where the water evaporates. In perfect conditions at the inlet of the wet channel the air flow reaches the condition of saturation, i.e. the temperature of the dew point.

The evaporation in the wet channel, the air temperature in contact with a damp wall, is reduced, because the evaporation of the water takes its internal energy (latent heat of evaporation). When driving in the wet channel, the air is saturated, its absolute humidity and enthalpy increase, and temperature (enthalpy) increases.

The “freezing” temperature of the wet channel leads to the cooling of the air in the dry channel of the cooling limit up to the dew point of incoming air. In both the “dry” channels cooling air is due to the latent heat of evaporation of water, and the driving force of heat and mass transfer is the psychrometric temperature difference.



– M‐cycle in the technology of distillation reduces up to 10 times energy consumption

high energy efficiency compared to traditional technologies

– M‐cycle allows you to effectively use any exhaust heat or geothermal source, energy, solar heat or industrial waste heat.



– production of cold: air conditioners, heat pumps, humidifiers, fuel cells, gas turbines, thermal power plants, condensers,etc.,

production of energy,

water recovery: obtaining fresh water from seawater, recycling of industrial water, production of water from the atmosphere ,etc.,

heat recovery: heat recovery units, heat exchangers, water heaters, air heaters, etc.


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