The technology of wastewater treatment, sewage, industrial, etc. new modern equipment of the best available
Cavitation-enzymatic technology for the treatment of waste, domestic and sewage.
The basis of the cavitation-enzymatic technologies for the treatment of waste, domestic and sewage waters based on physical and biological principles: the process of cavitation and fermentation. There is no need for chemicals, sludge sites, etc. the Cost of construction of the station cavitation-enzymatic cleaning 10 less than traditional systems and technologies. The output is purified water returned to the natural environment and man-made humus, used as organic fertilizer in agriculture, for land reclamation and improvement.
The basis of the cavitation-enzymatic cleaning technology based on physical and biological principles: the process of cavitation and fermentation.
Cavitation-enzymatic technology for the treatment of waste, domestic and sewage consists of 6 blocks.
1 block. Mechanical cleaning. The removal of the coarse inclusions (sand, coarse sediment, etc.).
2 block. The bioreactor (1, 2 steps). The oxidation of organic pollutants using cavitation process and fermentation.
3 Block. Sedimentator. The separation of activated sludge from treated water, as well as further oxidation of organic contaminants.
4. Cavitation-enzymatic treatment of sludge. The final oxidation of organic contaminants. Reducing the hazard class of the treated sludge to natural state.
5. Cleanup. The water purification to the state of pure water.
6. Dehydration. Settling, compaction, unloading treated sludge, its dewatering.
The output is obtained environmentally friendly product – waste that can be used as fertilizer.
– siting of cavitation and enzyme purification directly in the residential district, into a single compact building,
– absence of necessity of application of reagents in cavitation-enzyme technology
– no unpleasant smells,
– reducing the area required for siting cavitation enzyme purification, in 100 times in comparison with traditional systems and technologies,
– absence of sludge drying beds,
– reduction of the sanitary zone,
– reduced operational costs (reduction of staff by 4-5 times, the cost of electricity by 2-3 times),
– no pollution of air, land, groundwater and surface water,
– full automation of technological processes,
– return the remaining purified (to the state clean) water in the environment
– the cost of construction of the station cavitation-enzymatic cleaning 10 less than traditional systems and technologies
– 100% environmental clean technologies cavitation-enzymatic cleaning and its waste,
– the transformation of raw sludge and excess activated sludge in manmade humus, used as organic fertilizer in agriculture, for land reclamation and improvement,
– tightness of equipment, and as a result, low noise, and the complete absence of emissions and odors.
– Station cavitation-enzymatic treatment is used for wastewater treatment, household and sewage.
– Waste is pure water and man-made humus, which is used as organic fertilizer in agriculture, for land reclamation and improvement.