The technology of preparation of feed for farm animals cattle poultry agriculture
The technology of preparation of forages “Cavikorm” – a significant reduction in costs and increase in production volumes.
The technology of preparation of forages “Cavikorm” can significantly reduce the costs of domestic pig farms for fattening livestock while simultaneously increasing production volumes and improving the quality indicators of the produced meat products.
Efficient and balanced feeding is a key factor of competitiveness of the pig breeding business. The fundamental competitive advantage of the technology of preparation of forages “Cavikorm” is a homogeneous form of feed, achieved by means of a cavitation effect, which allows you to create in a liquid medium cavitation field with great energy grinding solid particles. When cavitation does not occur armoricaine hard change of the protein complex. In finished feed is stored natural vitamins and amino acids.
The technology of preparation of forages “Cavikorm” consists of three elements:
– specialized lines kormoprigotovleniya “Cavikorm”, installed in the feed of pig,
innovative feed rations “Cavikorm”,
– protein–vitamin feed concentrates “Cavi rost”to be included in the feed mixture.
The technology of preparation of forages “Cavikorm” can significantly reduce the costs of domestic pig farms for fattening livestock while simultaneously increasing production volumes and improving the quality indicators of the produced meat products.
The technology of preparation of forages “Cavikorm” allows to use waste food and processing industriesthat are compatible with the system liquid feeding of various manufacturers. It can be installed at pig breeding complexes of various degrees of automation and is easily adaptable to the existing forage base of a particular economy.
Line kormoprigotovleniya produces simultaneous grinding with water or serum of grain, grasses, root crops, potatoes. It turns out not just a homogeneous slurry, and ready to eat food, because of the mechanism increases water temperature, which changes the grain structure. Simply put — simultaneously grinds, homogeneorum heat and the function of the pump, keeping the living substance (hormones, enzymes, vitamins) of food.
The line is equipped with bins and containers, allowing to maintain a three-day supply of all components of the raw materials. Equipment and conveyors, located outside the heated space insulated and heated for cold weather operation lie berry.
The control line can be carried out in three modes: manual, with control panel, partially automated and fully automated.
– the use in feed of organic natural ingredients,
– increasing the profitability of the pig farm in 1,5 times,
the payback period for the new svinokompleksa for 2-3 years
– reduced cost of feed per unit of growth of more than 15%,
– increase daily weight gains by more than 15%,
– reducing the cost of pork standards of the highest quality to 25-28 rubles. per kg.,
– increase in the number of productive litters in 1,5 times,
– increase mnogoplodnaya hog, 1 pig,
– increased survival of young by 30%
– increase protein quality indicators of meat by 25%
– allows you to use waste from food processing industries,
– compatible with the systems of liquid feeding of various manufacturers. Easily adaptable to existing forage base of a particular economy.
– preparation of feed for pig farms, cattle farm, poultry farms, fish farms,
– production of herbal, protein-vitamin flour etc. high-tech components of the feed.
Note: the description of technology in example of the technology of preparation of forages “Cavikorm”.