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Solar roof tiles.
Solar tile is a roofing material used in the construction of buildings with simultaneous power generation from solar radiation. Solar tile is suitable for any kind of roofs – both pitched and flat, the highest efficiency is achieved when facing ramps on the South side.
Solar tile is a roofing material used in the construction of buildings with simultaneous power generation from solar radiation.
Solar tile is made from recycled materials (plastic bottles, or stretch film and adhesive components), which reduces the cost of production and is beneficial to the environment. When mounting is mounted on a wooden beam with two screws each, covering part of subsequent tiles and forming, thus, the castle. As a power generating component uses planar solar cells, sealed with two-component silicone polysiloxane compound, which provides a period of nominal operation of the solar module 40 – 50 years.
When a large component of direct solar radiation (southern regions, the mountainous terrain, clean atmosphere) along with solar elements are used concentrators of solar radiation, which reduces the cost of the solar module due to save silicon solar grade.
With the predominance of cloudy and malotonnazhnyh days (Northern regions) used solar shingles without hub with standard planar solar cells, which ensures the production during the year is comparable to the tile with hubs in southern regions.
Switching solar tiles between them is consistently to obtain a large voltage output. The voltage of each tile is 1 to 1.2 V and the current is about 7 – 8 A.
– used as a roofing material in the construction of buildings with simultaneous power generation from solar radiation
– solar tiles are suitable for any kind of roofs – both pitched and flat, the highest efficiency is achieved when facing ramps on the South side,
strength – can withstand the weight of a person
– resolved construction problems (in the manufacture of shingles recycled materials used) and the Autonomous or parallel with the network of electricity supply to consumers.
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