The refrigeration system based on absorption lithium bromide refrigerating machines

The refrigeration system based on absorption lithium bromide refrigerating machines.



The refrigeration system based on absorption lithium bromide refrigerating machines on the basis of their work have the principle of the heat pump. Absorption lithium bromide refrigerating machine (ABHM) is designed for cooling of water and other liquids to temperatures from plus 5 to plus 15 °C.



Benefits and properties

The principle of operation




The refrigeration system based on absorption lithium bromide refrigerating machines on the basis of their work have the principle of the heat pump.

Absorption lithium bromide refrigerating machine (ABHM) is designed for cooling of water and other liquids to temperatures from plus 5 to plus 15 °C.

Source of energy in machines with single-stage regeneration of an aqueous solution of lithium bromide is water vapor low – pressure 0.1 to 0.15 MPa or hot water 90 – 115 ° C. In cars with two-stage regeneration of an aqueous solution of lithium bromide uses steam medium pressure 0,5 – 0,8 MPa, or gaseous, or liquid fuel.

ABHM with a steam and water heater are compact monoblock design. Machine with fire heating consist of two blocks.


Benefits and properties:

– capital cost compared to compressor refrigeration machine in 1,5-2 times lower operating costs, lower 1.5-3 times,

electricity savings of 98-99%,

– ABHM used for thermal energy, steam, hot water, flue and exhaust gas supplied from external sources, brosou heat or thermal energy from the combustion of gaseous or liquid fuel directly into the vehicle

low power consumption – the consumed electric power depending on the model ranges from 2.5 to 4.5 kW 1000 kW cooling,

– ability to use as the heating environment of secondary energy resources (brosou warmth) of enterprises of industry, energy and cogeneration plants (CHP) and heat renewable energy sources (geothermal, solar),

high reliability,

– long service life (25 years),

fire and explosion safety,

ecological cleanliness,

automatic operation,

– lack of sources of vibration,

no need in power supply voltage over 380V,

– low noise,

easy maintenance,

the nepodvedomstvennostyu Rostekhnadzor.


Principle of operation:

The principle of ABHM is based on the ability of an aqueous solution of lithium bromide to absorb (absorb) more of cold water vapor with release of heat. All the processes in a refrigeration machine occur in a vacuum.

Cooled water enters the tube space of the evaporator, where it is cooled to the required temperature due to the evaporation of the refrigerant – water flowing as a film on the outer surfaces of the tubes of the evaporator. Irrigation of the tube bundle evaporator is used a circulation pump of the refrigerant.

Water vapor with a temperature of 2-4 °C from the evaporator is received in the annular space of the absorber where the absorbed strong (concentrated) aqueous solution of lithium bromide flowing as a film on the surfaces of the tubes. The heat generated during the absorption of steam is given to the cooling water flowing in the absorber pipes.

Absorbing refrigerant vapor, a strong solution of lithium bromide becomes weak – its concentration decreases. The weak solution flows into the sump of the absorber, where it is pumped into the tube space of the heat exchanger mortar.

After heating in the heat exchanger weak solution enters the annular space of the generator. In the generator a weak solution of lithium bromide uvarivaetsja from the heat of the heating medium flowing in the tube space of the generator.

Evaporated (strong) solution from the generator enters the tube space of the regenerative heat exchanger where it is cooled by the weak solution and then is directed to the irrigation of the absorber.

Formed in the steam generator enters the condenser, where condenseries on the outer surface of heat exchanger tubes. Steam condensate (refrigerant) through the seal water enters the evaporator. The heat of condensation of water vapor is given to the cooling water flowing through the condenser pipe.

In two-stage refrigeration machine, the evaporation of the solution takes two generators: high and low temperature. Source of energy for the low temperature generator, the refrigerant vapor coming from the high temperature generator. The energy consumption for refrigeration compared with a single-stage machine is reduced by 40%. Cooling water consumption is reduced by 25%.

Refrigerating machines equipped with automatic control system, which provides cooling capacity modulation in the range of 20-110%, the equipment protection in emergency situations, diagnostics of operating modes and condition of the equipment. The local controller allows you to record and archive the working parameters of the machine. You have the option of displaying information on the remote computer.



ABHM used in Central air conditioning systems of large objects of civil and industrial facilities, cooling systems, process equipment and process products in various industries.

Refrigerating machine with fire heating (fuel) can be used to generate heat in heating and hot water.