The pipeline, the types and composition
The pipeline, types and composition.
The pipeline is an engineering structure intended for transportation of gas (mainly natural gas) via pipeline. Gas pipelines and gas network is supplied under certain pressure.
The composition of the main Gastropoda
The pipeline:
The pipeline is an engineering structure intended for transportation of gas (mainly natural gas) via pipeline. Gas pipelines and gas network is supplied under certain pressure.
The pipeline is a construction to supply natural gas from its place of extraction or production to points of consumption.
Pipeline – a pipeline for transmission over a distance of natural gas fuel.
Types of pipelines:
The pipelines are divided into:
– gas pipelines,
– gas distribution networks.
Gas pipelines designed to transport gas over long distances. At intervals on the mainline installed gas compressor stations, maintains the pressure in the pipeline. In the final paragraph of the main gas pipeline is a gas distribution station, where pressure is decreased to the level required for supply of consumers.
Gas distribution networks are intended for gas delivery from gas distribution stations to the ultimate consumer.
Gas pipelines are laid, usually underground (underground laying). Laying of pipelines on the surface of the earth in the embankment (land strip), or on supports (above ground strip) or under water (underwater seal) is allowed only as an exception with appropriate justification. This should include special measures to ensure reliable and safe operation of pipelines.
Backup gas pipelines are being constructed for strategic reasons, to provide flexibility in the loading of the LNG carriers and to reduce the length of the route.
Gas pipelines depending on the operating pressure in the pipeline is divided into:
gas – I class – at an operating pressure of more than 2.5 to 10.0 MPa inclusive,
– gas II class – at an operating pressure in excess of 1.2 to 2.5 MPa, inclusive.
Distribution gas pipelines, depending on the working pressure in the pipeline is divided into:
– low-pressure pipelines – to 0,005 MPa,
– average pressure pipelines – from 0,005 to 0,3 MPa,
– high pressure pipelines:
– 1st category — from 0,6 to 1,2 MPa (for LPG up to 1.6 MPa),
– 1A categories — more than 1.2 MPa
– 2 category — from 0,3 to 0,6 MPa.
The composition of the main Gastropoda:
Part of the main Gastropoda included:
– tubing (from the exit from the fishery is prepared for further transport of commercial products) with branches and lepingle, isolation valves, crossings over natural and artificial obstacles, knots connecting the compressor station, the node metering of gas, the point of reducing gas, the nodes of start and reception of treatment devices, the condensate traps and devices for input of methanol,
installation of electrochemical protection of pipelines from corrosion, lines and constructions of technological communication, means of automation and telemechanics,
– power line used to service pipelines and the device power supply and remote control for isolation valves and installations of electrochemical protection of pipelines, network communication,
– fire-fighting equipment, anti-erosion and protective structures of pipelines,
– tanks for storage and razgazirovanija condensate, ground barns for emergency release of liquefied hydrocarbons,
– buildings and constructions of linear operation service of pipelines
– route travel and heliports located along the pipeline route, and the entrances thereto, identification and markings of the location of the pipelines
– head and intermediate pumping stations, tank farms, compressor stations and gas-distributing stations,
– station of underground storage of gas,
pointers and warning signs.
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