The nipple, which is self-pumping tires
The nipple, which is independently pre-charge the bus.
The nipple, which is independently pre-charge the bus, operated by changes of pressure in the tire when driving the minor irregularities and transmission of pressure forces from the outer wall to the inner wall of the transfer chamber, which leads to increased pressure in the booster chamber of the nipple and the flow of additional air into the tire.
The nipple of an automobile tire (valve of the tire), which self-pumping tires, has a pneumatic-hydraulic automatic offline swapping in the form of a pumping-up camera, limited internal and external walls of elastic material, the space between which is filled with fluid or similar in the properties of the material and works by changing the pressure in the tire when driving the minor irregularities and transmission of pressure forces from the outer wall on the inner when the pressure in the tire. The increase in tire pressure leads to increased pressure in the booster chamber of the nipple and the flow of additional air into the tire.
Shumopoglaschayuschy nipple works and pumping a tire of the vehicle during its movement when hitting bumps.
Assume that the wheel encounters a bump and the tire pressure is increased by 0.005 MPa to 0.125 MPa. This creates additional pressure force, equal to 12.5 Newtons. The pressure force is transmitted through the liquid on the inner wall and increases the pressure in the booster chamber on 0,042 0,142 MPa to MPa. The pressure in the booster chamber becomes higher and possible swap the wheels. Thus, depending on the difference of the inner and outer walls can be achieved with different speed swap.
– works without electricity and without connecting the device to the vehicle,
– improve safety on the roads
– simplicity and reliability of the design.