Durable rolling mills of VNIIMETMASH pipes with automatic continuous operation.
The rolling mills of tubes are characterized by high performance, durability of assemblies and mechanisms. They carry out work in automatic mode, including the continuous load.
Cold rolling of tubes is a periodic process of deformation, which receive pipes of high accuracy for the diameter and wall thickness.
The rolling mills of tubes is divided into a roller and roller. Rolling mills cold-rolling tube called HPT, roller – chptr.
Mills cold-rolling tube (HPT, hptr) manufactured by VNIIMETMASH carry out work in automatic mode, including operation of the continuous load.
For the production of mono – and bimetallic finned tubes VNIIMETMASH created mills for rolling of finned tubes (HPRT). This method allows you to obtain the most efficient heat transfer, and economical to manufacture finned tubes with helical ribs.
General advantages:
– reduction of energy consumption and capital costs for installation of foundations, installation of equipment due to the advanced technical solutions;
– the rolling mills of VNIIMETMASH pipes have operational reliability and enhanced technical capabilities;
– high performance, durability of assemblies and mechanisms;
– made of precision pipe of high quality outer surface, accuracy of rolled pipes in diameter and wall thickness, while the expenditure coefficient of the metal is only 1,05 – 1,1.
Technical advantages:
the main drives asynchronous motors with frequency regulation provide:
– stepless adjustment of speed of movement of the working stand of the mill,
– choice of optimum speed modes depending on the characteristics of rolled metal, the required performance, accuracy,etc.
– reduced energy consumption;
– maximum simplicity and ease of operation and maintenance of the mills is achieved by access for monitoring and inspection of the deformation, mechanism, requiring adjustments and settings, and also thanks to the rational distribution control panels.
– continuous automatic cycle rolling without stopping to recharge the pipe is provided by moving the tube – billets in two rounds with an interception and two cartridges of the clamp rod mandrel;
– universal solution to allow for the rolling of tubes in two ways: HPT and hptr (in the picking line the two stands as a roller and roller). Replacement stands are not requires special equipment and special skills of staff;
– automatic operation of the mills are operated by controller in accordance with a predetermined program;
– supply of cutting fluid (coolant) is performed directly in the deformation zone, allowing you to:
to provide the necessary heat dissipation,
to reduce the friction forces in the deformation zone,
– increase the durability of the tool
– to improve the surface finish of rolled pipes.
The cold rolling of pipes used for the production of cold-rolled precision pipes of carbon, alloyed, high alloyed steels, special hard-deformable alloys, non-ferrous metals.
Note: the description of technology in example, rolling mills of VNIIMETMASH.