The method of exploration of oil, ores, and bodies of kimberlite deposits geological geophysical minerals

3D geoelectric prospecting method to the exploration of oil, ore and kimberlite bodies by the vecs method.



The technology of vertical currents sounding (vecs) is much more effective than traditional methods of oil exploration, ore and kimberlite bodies according to the resolution, detail, depth and area of investigations, the performance and form of submission of results of prospecting and exploration. Thus, when the source vecs with a radius of 1000 m. promptly investigate the area up to 75 sq. km HAZ Technology to detect, for example, hydrocarbon deposits at a depth of 4 kilometers.




The principle of operation



The technology of vertical currents sounding (vecs) is a highly effective search technology and a method of exploration of oil, ore and kimberlite bodies. ZVT is far more effective than traditional methods of intelligence in the sense of resolution, detail, depth and area of investigations, the performance and form of submission of results of prospecting and exploration.

Thus, when the source vecs with a radius of 1000 m promptly investigate the area up to 75 sq. km HAZ Technology to detect, for example, deposits of hydrocarbons at a depth of 4 kilometers.

The effectiveness of existing methods of exploration (seismic survey) oil fields, does not exceed 60-65%. In about 70% of the drilled wells in the oil simply is not. The vecs technology improves the efficiency of oil exploration drilling in 2.5 times. When oil prospecting and exploratory works by the vecs with a high probability is determined by the presence of hydrocarbons in the objects identified as promising according to seismic studies. Thus, it is possible to contour the reservoir is specified and estimated locations of most hydrocarbon accumulations that allows you to more accurately specify the direction of drilling. Vecs does not compete with seismic surveys, but can significantly Supplement it results.

Currently, the exploration method vecs is not limited to oil exploration, and is a valuable prospecting and exploration technology of any dense areal measurements – ore and kimberlite bodies.

Technology electrical vecs includes:
work with a surveying system,
acquisition technique,
modeling, processing and interpretation of information.

The vecs technology can be successfully applied in the shelf of Arctic seas, in areas covered polar ice, where the use of seismic surveys is highly problematic.



– high resolution, detail, depth, and area studies

high performance research, the results of prospecting and exploration,

– a graphic presentation of the results of the prospecting and exploration (including 3D models),

versatility: the search and exploration of oil deposits, ore and kimberlite bodies,

– possibility of use in all geo – climatic regions, extreme and crowded conditions.


Principle of operation:

The exploration method vecs based on the use of a special electric source. When conventional methods of electrical source — normal electric line grounded at the ends. The exploration method vecs uses a set of such lines (up to 8), arranged radially and symmetrically about the Central point.

This source, called circular electric dipole (CED) is “tightening” secondary currents in a toroidal system. When soundings by the method of vecs on the earth’s surface magnetic field response is not observed if the study plot has a “right”, horizontally layered structure. A response appears and is logged in the event of any violations due to the presence of a local object, for example oil deposits. Magnetic signals HAZ characterized by independence from background host environment that allows you to delineate the oil and other deposits at greater depths.