The innovative production technology of foam glass
Innovative technology of production of foam glass.
The essence of the new innovative technology of production of foamglass is that the crushed cullet is mixed with a solution of specially prepared liquid reagents, which provide surface modification of glass beads, forming them of nanoscale film thickness of 100-120 nm. Further heat treatment of the obtained materials leads to the synthesis of glass without the use of foaming agent, which is required when the classical technology of production of similar products.
Traditional classic technology of production of foam glass includes the following technological operations. Glass granulate and the glass battle is ground using ball mill in mixture with gasifier (coal) in a thin powder, are loaded into forms from heatproof steel with kaolin coating. Forms on trolleys by the roller conveyor serves in a tunnel oven. Under the action of high temperature there is a softening of particles of a glass powder and its sintering. Gases released by combustion and decomposition of the blowing agent, vspuchilis viscous glass mass.
When cooling the formed material with cellular structure. Slow cooling (annealing) promotes uniform cooling of products in volume so they are not experiencing internal stress and crack formation. Chilled products sawed up then the equipment and Packed.
The result is blocks of foam glass. The chemical composition of the foam glass is 100% identical with the chemical composition and classic glass includes oxides of silicon, calcium, sodium, magnesium, aluminium.
Atmosphere completely closed glass cells does not interact with the atmosphere and represents, basically, oxides and carbon compounds. The pressure of the gas environment in the cells of the lower atmospheric pressure, since the foaming process is due to the allocation of gas coke, anthracite and carbon black at a temperature of +1000°C. with gassing and foaming of the glass the amount of glass increases 15 times.
The essence of the new innovative technology of production of foamglass is that the crushed cullet is mixed with a solution of specially prepared liquid reagents, which provide surface modification of glass beads, forming them of nanoscale film thickness of 100-120 nm. Further heat treatment of the obtained materials leads to the synthesis of glass without the use of foaming agent, which is required when the classical technology of production of similar products.
This innovative technology of production of foam glass based on nanoscale surface modification of dispersed glass is based on inexpensive and widely available in any region of Russia off-grade glass, the amount of which increases in solid waste each year tens of millions of tons.
Feature innovative technology that it allows to obtain the foamed glass, the surface of which is not leaking so-called ASR reaction (interaction of silica glass with alkali in the cement binder). Foam glass, on whose surface, does not leak ASR reaction allows for its installation, bonding, plastering, etc by using commonly available cement binder. Such foam glass may be used as the filler for structural lightweight concrete for the manufacture of walling and slabs without compromising the building structure.
The innovative production technology of foam glass allows to do a vapor as the classic foam glass, so permeable. The unique properties of vapor permeable foamed glass open huge opportunities as facade material.