
The hydrofoil

The hydrofoil.



The hydrofoil – type of a boat, underneath which there are special underwater wings. When moving these wings create lift and partially or completely raise the hull above the water surface.




“Valdai 45R” – the hydrofoil

Characteristics of the vessel “Valdai 45R”



The hydrofoil – type of a boat, underneath which there are special underwater wings. When moving these wings create lift and partially or completely raise the hull of the vessel above the water surface, resulting in a significant reduction of resistance to movement and allows you to reach speeds unattainable for traditional displacement vessels.

In the Parking lot and when driving at low speeds the ship swims as a normal displacement vessel.

Hydrofoils can reach speeds of 35-70 knots (65 – 130 km/h). They can be used with wave height of 3-3,5 meters, the wind force of 5 points.

Seaworthiness of hydrofoil vessels is provided solely by the scheme hydrofoil – type of their design and position along the length of the vessel.

The wings can be fully submersible or partially submersible.

The trapezoidal, V-shaped and arcuate underwater wings system wings of the type “ladder” and “shelves” that are installed on ships provide their semistability when driving on the water. So, if the ship, due to the action of external forces (disturbances on the water, wind , etc.) immersed in water or listing to one side, these wings when immersed in water cause the action of the lift force, which acts vertically upward and lifts (samovosstanavlivaemy) the ship to its original position.

There are also underwater wings, the lifting force of which is regulated automatically.

Hydrofoils capable of carrying passengers and cargo on rivers, lakes and seas.



– high speed,

significant increase in the speed of the vessel,

– high seaworthiness,

insensitivity to motion, stable running of the vessel

– minimum fuel consumption.


“Valdai 45R” – the hydrofoil:

“Valdai 45R” – the hydrofoil, capable of providing high-speed transportation of passengers in daylight hours in salons, equipped with chairs aircraft type.

This vessel is designed for operation over the full-flowing rivers in the entire territory of Russia from the Central part to the Far East.


Characteristics of the vessel “Valdai 45R”:

Features: Value:
Displacement, tons 21,4
Length, m 21,3
Width, m 5.2 m
Speed km/h 65
Passenger capacity, pers. 45
Cruising range, km. 400
Crew. 2


Note: the description of technology on the example of the hydrofoil “Valdai 45R”.

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