The heating system based on an absorption lithium bromide heat pumps
Of heat supply system based on lithium bromide absorption heat pumps.
Absorption lithium bromide heat pumps are highly efficient energy-saving equipment for heat supply and hot water supply of different objects and is designed to heat water to 50 – 90°. Heat pumps are machines to produce thermal potential (50 – 90°C) from the low energy potential at the expense of energy of high potential (by transfer of thermal energy).
Advantages of heat supply system on the basis of ABTN
Scheme of heat supply system on the basis of ABTN
Billions of human-made gigacalories of thermal energy, for various reasons, are not in demand for useful and different ways released into the environment. These wastes can be converted into the desired product heat energy using heat pumps. The heating system based on an absorption lithium bromide heat pumps recuperou discharged heat, saving up to 40% of heat energy.
Absorption lithium bromide heat pumps (of ABT) are highly efficient energy saving equipment for heat supply and hot water supply of different objects and is designed to heat water to 50 – 90°. Heat pumps are machines to produce thermal potential (50 – 90°C) from the low energy potential at the expense of energy of high potential (by transfer of thermal energy).
Absorption lithium bromide heat pumps direct heat from the environment with low temperature in environment with an average temperature using high-grade energy. The low-grade heat sources are geothermal water, industrial heat, released into the environment through cooling towers, technical ponds, etc. (used heat). As a source of high potential energy for pumping heat using water vapor, hot water, exhaust, fuel, geothermal energy, or a combination. These heat pumps will save around 40% of thermal energy. The working substance (refrigerant) in ABT is water, the absorbent – water solution of lithium bromide salt.
For ABTN not require large amounts of electricitylike precompressor heat pumps.
The work of heat pumps is based on the ability of a concentrated aqueous solution of lithium bromide to absorb (absorb) water vapor with release of heat. The temperature of absorption above the condensation temperature of the steam at the same pressure. As a result, it is possible to “take away” the heat from low temperature heat source and transfer it to heated water with a higher temperature level. All processes in the machine occur under vacuum, in a closed loop. For regeneration of lithium bromide solution require a source of high potential heat energy. As a source of thermal energy are used: water vapor (ABTN – P), heat of combustion of fuel (ABTN – T). The heat required for regeneration of lithium bromide solution, is also passed to heated water. In this case the specific consumption of high-grade heat in the heat pump compared to a conventional boiler is reduced in 1.7 times.
Part of ABTN includes heat and mass transfer devices for different purposes, United in circuits for circulation of refrigerant and absorbent.
The principle of operation of ATN based on the ability of the absorbent solution to absorb water vapor having a lower temperature than the solution. The refrigerant water boils under a vacuum in the tube bundle of the evaporator by heat removed from circulating in the tubes of cooled medium (low-grade heat source). Water vapor absorbed by the absorbent solution in the pipe beam absorber with heat release, which is circulating in the tubes of heated water. Dilute solution from the absorber is pumped to the generatorwhere the tube bundle is carried out the regeneration (evaporation) of absorbed in the absorber of water vapor, from the heat of heating medium. The condensed water heated in the condenser water vapor of the refrigerant returned to the evaporator and concentrated solution in the absorber.
Advantages of heat supply system on the basis of ABTN:
– high efficiency – recovery and savings of up to 40% of thermal energy
– environmental friendliness,
– low noise level during operation,
– easy maintenance,
– long service life (25 years),
– full automation,
– low specific metal consumption,
– high compactness,
– 100% protection against corrosion of all components.
Scheme of heat supply system on the basis of ABTN:
ABT can be used to produce hot water for heating and hot water, for heating and cooling technological environments in industry, energy, agriculture, etc.