The get rubber ways the raw material of the reaction chemistry of butadiene potatoes according to the method of Lebedev
Obtaining rubber from dandelions as an alternative source for rubber production.
Obtaining rubber from dandelions as an alternative source for rubber production. The source of raw materials not dependent on imported raw materials, grows on any land unsuitable for agricultural use, including saline and waterlogged, and maintenance.
Obtaining rubber from dandelions
The advantages of the cultivation of Kok-Sagyz
Methods for producing rubber:
Rubber is a natural or synthetic elastomers, characterized by elasticity, water impermeability and electrical insulating properties, of which get by vulcanization of rubber and ebonite.
Made of synthetic and natural rubbers.
If you compare the consumption of synthetic and natural rubbers, the biggest demand is for natural. Synthetic rubber can replace natural in most industries.
Traditionally, natural rubber prepared from the milky juice (latex) of rubber trees, particularly from the Brazilian rubber trees grown in Southeast Asia, primarily in Malaysia.
As other rubber-bearing plants can be used dandelions. Rubber obtained from the milky juice of this plant.
Obtaining rubber from dandelions:
One of the best species of the genus Taraxacum is a view of Kok-saghyz (lat. Taraxacum kok-saghyz). In vivo Kok-saghyz (green gum in Kazakh) is native to Central Asia, in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan. Kok-Sagyz even in the United States called “Russian dandelion”.
Well of course the usual dandelion – Taraxacum officinale (lat. Taraxacum officinale), which is essentially a weed, is also a rubber plant. But the content of rubber in its roots a little.
In view of the roots of Kok-saghyz contains up to 14% of rubber substances in the dry weight. The maximum amount of rubber in the roots of Kok-Sagyz comes to 27.55 % (dry weight).
Kok-Sagyz earlier, from 1933, was cultivated in the USSR. Its yield increased with sulphate of zinc. But since 1954 in connection with the development of the production of isoprene synthetic rubber plantations of Kok-Sagyz no longer cultivated.
The advantages of the cultivation of Kok-saghyz:
– independence from imported raw material obtained from overseas Brazilian rubber trees,
– grows on any land unsuitable for agricultural use, including saline and waterlogged
– maintenance
– unpretentious,
the roots of Kok-Sagyz 45% consist of inulin, a natural hydrocarbonthat can be converted into ethanol. Thus, from the raw materials , you can get the rubber and inulin.