The foamed metal is metal or alloy wire mesh structures the use of composite item their hands to buy
The foamed metal is metal or alloy wire mesh structure.
The foamed metal is metal or alloy wire mesh structure. A new class of materials with extremely low density combined with high specific stiffness and damping, low thermal conductivity.
Nickel foam and its application
Heat resistant super alloys (Ni-Ft-Cr-Ak, Ni-Cr-Al)
Foamed aluminum (otkrytiy and polystyrene) and its General application
Otkrytiy foamed aluminum and its application
Polystyrene foamed aluminum and its application
The foamed metal – metal or alloy wire mesh structure. A new class of materialswith extremely low density combined with high specific stiffness and damping, low thermal conductivity.
Produced roll and block expanded metals.
Expanded metals can be made from different base materials: Nickel, ferronickel, copper, iron, nichrome, aluminium, resistant chromal, stainless steel and alloys, bronze, Monel, cobalt, rhodium, platinum, gold, silver and their alloys.
Nickel foam and its application:
– battery electrodes
– fuel cells,
– pots,
– filters
– the flame-arrester,
– shumoglushiteli,
– shielding EMV,
– catalysts
– supported catalysts,
– traps aerosols.
Promed and its application:
– heat exchangers and heat devices
– dampers mechanical and acoustic pulses,
– faucets gases
– traps aerosols
– biocidal filters.
Heat resistant super alloys (Ni-Ft-Cr-Ak, Ni-Cr-Al):
– heat-resistant media,
– catalysts
– filters
– the flame-arrester,
– infrared emitters
– electric heaters,
– constructive elements,
– traps aerosols.
Foamed aluminum (otkrytiy and polystyrene) and its General application:
– shumoglushiteli,
– heat exchangers and heat devices
– cavity fillers, and containers,
– the dampers are mechanical, acoustic and EM pulses
– equalizers gas flows
– supporting matrix and regulators of combustion for solid fuels,
– sandwich panels.
Otkrytiy foamed aluminum and its application:
– heat exchange device
– fire – and plamyapregraditeley.
Polystyrene foamed aluminum and its application:
– strengthening and damping elements for the automotive industry,
– noise screens (for highways, airports, bridges,etc.)
– acoustic panels (for theaters, stadiums, residential buildings,etc.)
– elements of acoustic systems,
– the extinguishers, acoustic absorbers when you reset the high pressure
– ultra light and resistant structural elements, three – and two-layer panels, composite materials.