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The filter material based on nanofiber for water.



Electropositive filter material on the basis of nanofibers allows to remove from aqueous media viruses and bacteria, the size of which is many times less than the average pore size of the filter while maintaining the natural mineralization of water.







Electropositive filter material on the basis of nanofibers allows to remove from aqueous media viruses and bacteria, the size of which is many times less than the average pore size of the filter while maintaining the natural mineralization of water. A key principle of the filter material based on a combination of removal of any pathogenic microorganisms (viruses, bacteria) through sorption and filtration, while maintaining high porosity of the material and, as a consequence, high speed of fluid flow (0.2 – 1.0 cm/s). The use of filter material is promising for the production of individual water purifiers, and cartridges for water treatment systems.

Modern filters made of nonwoven fibrous materials typically have a pore size of about 1 micron or more. For filtration of microorganisms and colloids having a size of less than 0.1 µm, are used membrane filters. Membrane filters, which operate on the principle of matching pore size to the size of the contamination, can hold all kinds of bacteria with a high retention rate (99,99 %), but they are able to retain smaller particles, particularly viruses having a size of about 0.03 microns. The throughput of membrane filters is directly dependent on pore size, i.e. the smaller the pores, the lower their capacity. Or membrane filters retain all particles, microorganisms and substances, only letting water molecules. Consumption completely purified – distilled water (no salinity) is dangerous to health.

There is another mechanism of filtration electrokinetic adsorption, when the filter material has a charge, and particles with opposite charge are attracted and adsorbed on the filter material. Most colloidal particles, including microorganisms, in the water negatively charged. Electric charge of colloids, and bacterial cell suspension in aqueous medium, due to the appearance of double electric layer, the inner part of which – the surface of the particles, and the external environment in which it is located.

The filter material based on nanofiber has an electropositive charge, reaching in water 40 mV. So that the filter removes from water all tested at the moment, the types of particles: inorganic and organic colloids (heavy metals, humic acids), organic dyes, micro-organisms, including viruses, endotoxins, at high speeds of water flow. The range of possible particle sizes is quite broad, from a few microns to tens of nanometers.

Sorption capacity of filter material for E. Coli bacteria is at least 106 CFU/cm2 at a flow rate of up to 0.64 cm/s For bacteriophage MS2 sorption capacity depends on the flow rate of the water is 1.4×103 to 1.4×107 FIGHT/cm2 at flow rates from 0.45 cm/sec to 0.04 cm/s.



– fully retains viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms

delay of inorganic and organic colloids (heavy metals, humic acids), organic dyes with high speeds of water flow,

– retains natural mineral content of the water,

retains the particles from a few microns to tens of nanometers.



the purification of tap water from microbial contamination,

installation and device for microbiological water purification for drinking purposes,

for the water laboratory, analytical and reagent purity

for filtration of solutions in medical institutions

ultrafiltration for microelectronic and chemical industry.