Removal of radionuclides during the manufacturing processes for the production of rare earth metals.
Created the first national sorbent ion exchanger to am that is used for the extraction of radionuclides during the extraction of rare earth metals from Apatite concentrate. In the course of processing was obtained a pilot batch of rare earth elements concentrate with a minimum content of radionuclides in the amount of only 0.002%.
Created the first national sorbent ion exchanger to am that is used for extraction of the radionuclides in the allocation of rare-earth metals from Apatite concentrate. In the course of processing was obtained a pilot batch of rare earth elements concentrate with a minimum content of radionuclides in the amount of only 0.002%.
Rare earth materials do not form their own deposits, they are obtained from various technological solutions in the process of acid refining of the ore concentrates: monazite, loparite and Apatite. They all contain radionuclides that can be used.
– tests have confirmed that Russian am the sorbent has a high selectivity in relation to natural radionuclides, that is, it disables the dangerous elements without affecting the useful
– in comparison with analogs when conducting a single sorption of uranyl ions the efficiency of the sorbent to above am on third.
– industrial production of rare earth metals, including from dumps and industrial waste.
Note: the description of technology in example, the sorbent – resin the am.