The equipment for manufacture of mixed fodders – install “MBP-Universal”

The equipment for manufacture of mixed fodders – install “MBP-Universal”.



Installation “MBP-Universal” is intended for processing various types of raw materials (off-spec “spoiled” grain, flour, meal, potatoes, molasses (beet sugar molasses), Jerusalem artichoke, etc.) to produce a wide range of primary and by-products: fodder and forage mass, forage (hydrolysis) of yeast and high protein additives, ethanol, 96.6% or ethanol 99.8% (as side products), alcohol-containing liquids 95% (as by-products), feed sugar liquid and dry phase, starch syrup, glucose syrup.




Technological scheme of production of feed

Technology of grain processing

Technology of processing of molasses

Characteristics of the production on the example of setting “MBP-Universal – 850/11 000”



The equipment for manufacture of mixed fodders – install “MBP-Universal” is intended for processing various types of raw materials (off-spec “spoiled” grain, flour, meal, potatoes, molasses (beet sugar molasses), Jerusalem artichoke, etc.) to produce a wide range of primary and by-products:

– feed (high protein) and feed the masses
– feed (hydrolyzed) yeast and high protein supplements
– ethanol 96.6% or bio-ethanol 99.8% (by-products),
– alcohol 95% (by-products),
– feed sugar liquid and dry phase (optional)
– starch syrup unpeeled, peeled (optional)
– glucose syrup (optional).

Biocompetitive the installation of “Universal” consists of the offices of hydrodynamic and enzymatic processing of raw materials (GDPO) and pasteurization-evaporator (HLIs). Devices hydrodynamic and enzymatic processing is used for the mixing of raw materials with water and enzyme preparations. Pasteurization-evaporation plant is used for pasteurization of feed and discharge from the various waste products of the enzyme (protein) drugs, including ethyl alcohol (ethanol). Pasteurization is used to increase the shelf life of feed.

Raw materials for installation can serve substandard “spoiled” grain, potatoes, flour, meal, waste flour production, molasses (beet sugar molasses), etc.

Feed produced in these plants are subjected to water-heat treatment and protein enrichment of the biomass (protein) and used directly for feeding. Manufacture of feed were studies and received a positive conclusion of the Kurgan State Agricultural Academy. T. S. Maltsev. Feed can be of any consistency (at the request of the manufacturer) and have a long shelf life.

Coming out of the evaporator high-protein forage (similar to distillers grains) having a temperature of 100 operating systems, can be used directly for fattening (after cooling), but the most effective results are obtained by the hot mixing of forage and straw, bagasse, oil cake, chaff, waste flour production method of steaming. The recommended ratio is 2-4kg (straw, sugar beet pulp, bagasse, chaff, waste milling production, calcium (chalk)) for 10 kg of ready feed mass (thick porridge). The resulting food product may have the consistency from the so-called mash (without the use of separation or settling) to a thick porridge (with separation or settling), and if you use the dryer – dry a concentrated high-protein feed – 1 kg corresponds to 1.03 ke (fodder units). The resulting feed can be used directly for animal feed in livestock, pig breeding, etc.

As an additive in ready-to-feed weight (feed) it is necessary to use feed sugar produced at this same plant, which significantly increases the energy value of feed.

Ethanol (ethyl alcohol) can be used for their own needs as biofuel – steam and hot water boilers, generators, cars and agricultural vehicles, etc.

On quality indicators produced as a by-product – alcohol (EXTRA, LUXURY, ALPHA) can also be used for the preparation of alcoholic beverages, medical and veterinary drugs, herbal medicines, tinctures, perfumes, cosmetics and alcohol products as well as in paints, etc.

Biocompetitive the installation of “Universal” small and medium power have the compactness of the placement and can be manufactured both in stationary and mobile version.

The production of animal feed is environmentally friendly, complete lack of odor is the use of this equipment is possible in any available room.



– performance rigs is unlimited,

the compactness of,

– the stability of production,

the possibility of producing a wide range of products,

– quick return on investment (from 3 months)

high yield,

– ecological purity.


Technological scheme of production of feed:


Technology of grain processing:

Technology of grain processing is based on the mechanical-enzymatic hydrolysis of starch granules, the last water-heat treatment and fermentation of the resulting sugars by the yeast (protein) for the accumulation of the protein biomass. This technology eliminated the operation of cooking grain under pressure, which significantly reduces energy consumption and increases safety.

Grain, pre-cleaned from the metal and impurities, is fed to a hammer mill, further crushed is fed into the mixer where they are mixed with water and a solution of enzyme preparation. The resulting batch is heated steaming to the desired temperature, after which the mass enters the apparatus hydrodynamic and enzymatic treatment (GDPO). In the apparatus of GDFA is heating and dissolving the dry substances of grain with continuous stirring.

Then the mass is cooled to 58-60 °C and treated enzyme preparations. Then the wort is cooled to a temperature of 20-25°C, and the protein accumulation of biomass (yeast) in the fermentation vats. Growing sasenai protein of biomass (yeast) are in the fermenters.

In the fermentation vats is the process of enzymatic treatment of mash with the purpose of accumulation of biomass protein – protein, periodic way within 72 hours. Then finished the wort is pumped to a transmission Chan or served on pasteurization-evaporating unit (PVU), to obtain a high protein animal feed and by-product – rectified alcohol or ethanol.


Technology of processing of molasses:

For fermentation of molasses to prepare the wort, which is a watered down molasses with nutrients, acid and preservatives. Telesnogo fermentation of the wort may be performed on a periodic, single or double circuit. Each scheme has its advantages and peculiarities. The duration of the fermentation, from 20 to 30 hours. For breeding sasenai protein of biomass (yeast) are used camera clean culture (ABC). Further protein biomass fed into the digesters and fermentation tanks, then finished the wort is fed to the pasteurizing-evaporator installation (AHUs), to obtain a high protein animal feed and by-product – rectified alcohol or ethanol.


Characteristics of the production on the example of setting “MBP-Universal – 850/11 000”:

Features: Value:
Daily consumption of grain Of 2.55 tons/day.
Daily consumption of heating steam 0.4 MPa 4.3 tons/day
Daily water consumption well(+3…+5 °C) 45 cubic m/day
Electricity 140 kW/day
The output of the feed – based bards 7-11 tons /day
The Yield Of Bioethanol* 900 l/day
The yield of fraction (EAF) 30-45L/day
The yield of alcohol* 850 l/day
The volume of sewage polluted water primary production (from the washing of equipment, etc.) Indicative of the characteristics of wastewater: – suspended solids – 650 mg/l; – oxidation – 850 mg/l; pH of 6.5; temperature – up to +50 °C. 0.5 cu m/day
The volume of relatively clean effluent (water after heat exchanger) Depends on the scheme of water circulation system


Note: the description of technology on the example of setting “MBP-Universal”