The density of zirconium.
The density of zirconium:
Density – a scalar physical quantity, defined as the ratio of the mass of the body to occupy this body volume.
To denote the density of the usually used Greek letter ρ.
ρ = m / V where m is body mass, V – its volume.
The density of zirconium (ρ) is 6,506 g/cm3 or 6506 kg/m3.
The density of zirconium is given under normal conditions (according to IUPAC), i.e. at 0 °C and a pressure of 105 (100 000) PA.
For information: 101 325 PA = 1 ATM = 760 mm Hg. article
You must keep in mind that the density of metals can vary depending on environmental conditions (temperature and pressure). The exact value of the density of metals depending on environmental conditions (temperature and pressure) it is necessary to look in directories.
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