The automatic system of machine milking of cows Stimul
The automatic system of machine milking cows “Stimulus”.
The automatic system of machine milking cows “Stimulus” is designed to automate the milking process is simple and reliable methods of control milking and automatic removal molokabonge equipment from the nipple, stimulation of galactopoiesis and for the collection of information and statistics about milk production of each cow and the whole herd.
The automatic system of machine milking cows “Stimulus” is designed to automate the milking process is simple and reliable methods of control milking and automatic removal molokabonge equipment from the nipple, stimulation of galactopoiesis and for the collection of information and statistics about milk production of each cow and the whole herd.
The automatic system of machine milking cows “Stimulus” provides automated individual milking cows with the office for the intensity of lactation.
The system begins the process of milking cows with the optimum for each animal stimulation, while the value of the intensity of lactation will not reach 600 gr/min, and in the final phase of milking resumes stimulation, if the intensity value of milk output is in the range from 600 g/min 200 g/min.
Automatic system of machine milking cows “Stimulus” sets the timing of the end of milking and ensures an optimum degree of emptying of the animals except the keeping of the milking machine or its premature withdrawal.
System Stimul performs proper disconnection of teat cups, the removing and the removal of the milking apparatus after milking in reducing the intensity of lactation below 200 g/min after a 30 s delay.
The system includes:
The system includes 3 units system: unit control, unit-animal identification system, the system of collecting and processing information.
Control unit provides:
– automatic stimulation over 75 in the initial phase of the milking, if the value of the intensity of lactation reaches 600 g/min,
– automatic stimulating individual dodawania in the final phase of the milking, if the intensity value of milk output is in the range from 600 g/min 200 g/min,
– the saving of milking in case of re-connection of the milking machine,
– display in real time on the display of the control unit of the milking of each milking machine rooms of the animal, the amount of received milk, milking time, milk output intensity and mode of milking (start-stimulation, milking, Stripping — stimulation, disconnection of the milking machine)
– customizing calibration characteristics of the sensor-counters milk from the keyboard control unit milking,
– automatic removal of the milking cups and the withdrawal of the milking apparatus after milking (when the decrease of intensity of milk output up to 200 g/min, after 30 s delay),
– transmission of individual data is obtained automatically milking, as well as inputs from the keyboard control unit in a computer.
The block identification system of animals provides:
– exclusion to re-register the same transponder with emergency situations fill the milking machine animals
– termination of registration of the transponders when the milking machines,
– the reliability of identification of animals.
The system of collecting and processing of information provides:
– receiving and processing information from electronic control units,milking,
– formation and storage protocols milking
– receive real-time individual schedules maximize,
– export individual data of milking in a computer system of herd management.
Note: the description of technology in example of an automatic system for machine milking cows “Stimulus”.