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The airship with electricity from solar panels “Berkut”.



High-altitude aerostatic platform “Berkut” – the airship with electricity from solar panels. He is able to keep a constant geographical position at the height of 20-23 km, and a payload, which includes the instrument of observation and tracking is 1200 kg and supplied with electricity. Geostationary characteristics of the airship allow for monitoring, communication and data transfer over the territory, with an area of more than 1 million km2.




Characteristics of the airship “BERKUT”


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High-altitude aerostatic platform “Berkut” – the airship with electricity from solar panels. He is able to keep a constant geographical position at the height of 20-23 km, and a payload, which includes the instrument of observation and tracking is 1200 kg and supplied with electricity. Geostationary characteristics of the airship allow for monitoring, communication and data transfer over the territory, with an area of more than 1 million km2. This is a region comparable in size to France or great Britain. Unlike geostationary satellites “Berkut” allows you to repair, replace, or move on-Board equipment every 3-4 months, while landings for maintenance.


Airship – altitude aerostatic platform (VAP) “the eagle” is primarily designed to conduct long-term observations over a specific local territory, which is essential for anti-terrorist and anticontraband operations. With the advent of high-altitude aerostatic platform of opportunity for high-speed data transfer using a mobile terminal, and for new infrastructure systems transmission and processing of information.

The airship “Berkut” maybe 1000 times to increase the bandwidth in the same frequency range in bytes per second per square km.

There are three basic configurations for the airship “Berkut”:

“Berkut ET” – to Equatorial latitudes (0 – 30°).

“Berkut ML” – for middle geographical latitudes (30-45 deg.),

“Berkut HL” for high latitudes (45-60 deg.).

The basis of all three configurations are the same design principles. For high latitudes (the shortest day in winter) requires the greatest number of generators, and batteries solar energy. Because of lower wind speeds the power required for the operation of the platform to working height on equator almost 1.5 times less than on high latitudes. Based on these prerequisites, developed three different surfaces with the same maximum diameter but with different length and volume. All configurations use the same type of a stabilizer of the electric motor and aerial screw. For configuration HL – seven engines, ML – five ET three. This approach to the development of new infrastructure can significantly reduce the cost of each option.

Innovative solutions and technology used to create the ground infrastructure, allow to assemble giant hangar for the “Eagle” on almost any terrain in a single day! The walls of the hangar are collected from vozduhonosnye pipes. The pipes are arranged in sections, each with a length of 30 m. Sections are joined in the upper part of the hangar. By unlocking and stretching sections by the intake or release the airship from the hangar. All three models use the same section. Different number of sections allows you to assemble hangars with a length of 270, 210 and 180 m for HL, ML and ET configurations, respectively.



the unprecedented duration of the flight


– ensuring the start in any geographical point of the planet

the possibility of replacement and repair of the payload,

– high reliability,

prefabricated mobile terrestrial infrastructure.


Characteristics of the airship “BERKUT”:

Feature “Berkut ET” “Berkut ML” “Berkut HL”
The volume of the shell: 192 000 256 000 320 000
Length, m 150 200 250
Max. diameter, m 50 50 50
Power consumption, kW 100 165 230
The payload mass, kg 1000 1000 1000
Power consumed by the useful load, kW 15 15 15
The area of the solar cells, m2 3 500 5 800 8 000
Engine power, kW 50 50 50
The number of propellers 3 5 7
Height-based km 20 -23 20 -23 20 -23
The duration of the flight 6 months 6 months 6 months
Total weight, kg 13 500 18 000 22 500
Area latitude 0-30 deg. 30-45 deg. 45-60 deg.
The number of sections of the hangar 12 14 18



effective replacement of the geostationary satellites

telecommunications and communication

the decision of tasks of air defense and missile defense

comprehensive monitoring of a vast territory, more than 2 million km,

detection and identification of ground and sea objects.


Note: the description of technology on the example of the airship with electricity from solar panels “Berkut”.

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