The 3d printing materials new generation
High strength 3d printing materials of a domestic production.
The 3d printing materials new generation the strength of pure ABS plastic 12 times. Printing equipment cheaper SLS printer 50 times, consumes 20 times less energy.
High strength 3d printing materials used
The 3d printing materials new generation represented by continuous carbon fibers, which gives the possibility of extending the scope of 3D printers from prototyping to manufacturing of real parts with locally optimized geometry and the desired properties of the material.
– the strength of pure ABSplastic 12 times due to the continuous carbon fibres in the material,
– 6 times superior in strength counterparts from all brands and not inferior to aircraft aluminum alloys,
– equipment for printing, cheaper SLS printer 50 times
simplicity, the ability to make a complex part with high mechanical properties of the 3D model, similar to those now used in aircraft, missiles and space vehicles (boosters , etc.) on the desktop
– equipment for printing consumes 20 times less power and is able to produce equally strong parts
– fast return.
High strength 3d printing materials are used:
– in medicine,
– in robotics,
in the aviation industry,
– in the aerospace industry,
in the home (orthotic insole, buckle strap, rigid case for the phone , etc.)