Tempered glass
Tempered glass.
Tempered glass is a type of common sheet glass, subjected special thermal treatment. With the result that it becomes extremely durable, easily tolerate accidental bumps, resistant to temperature extremes, fractures.
Features and benefits tempered glass
The shortcomings of tempered glass
Tempered glass:
Tempered glass is a type of common sheet glass, but is subjected to special heat treatment. Changed the high-tech way, it becomes extremely durable, easily tolerate accidental bumps, resistant to temperature extremes, fractures. It is noted and its high safety during the destruction, other unique properties. All these qualities allow to use tempered glass in a variety of industries, the number of which increases every year.
Tempered glass is glass, which after exposure to thermal or chemical processes change the basic specifications. In addition to the enhanced strength and durability, unlike conventional glass, it is noted and the fact that it cannot be subjected to subsequent mechanical processing – it will collapse. Therefore, before the procedure of hardening the leaves are pre-processed, which allows to achieve:
– high throughput of light rays;
– low heat transfer resistance;
– reduced sound-insulating ability.
Unlike ordinary glass tempered glass is 5-7 times stronger and able to withstand serious, including surgical strikes. It is 2-3 times stronger in bending and is 3-4 times more resistant to temperature differences. Separately allocated, its status at failure: normal glass breaks into large pieces with sharp edges capable of hurting people at any careless touch, tempered turns into small chips, edge which is blunted, and therefore, almost no threat.
A kind of tempered glass is considered heat-strengthened glass: the production processes are similar except during cooling – it is more smooth. The result leaves the gain medium between regular and tempered glass properties, but the destruction of it is simply covered with a grid, on no sleep from the frame.
Manufacture of tempered glass:
The production process in every enterprise has its own nuances, but in General it is a conventional heating sheet glass to a high temperature (650-700 degrees ° C) and subsequent uniform cooling from both sides.
So, the first stage of the process – selection of raw materials, identical for all plants and does not include carrying out any actions to increase the degree of strength.
The second stage heating, it may include adding to the weight composition of special additives which I will give glass additional properties and characteristics during subsequent processing. So, tempering is quite compatible with the diverse techniques of decorating: after you have added the desired substances are obtained enamelled surfaces, engraving, photo printing and even screen printing.
In the second stage, the glass is placed in a fiery furnace and kept for her a period of time. This period depends on the thickness selected for processing sheet shape, which should give the future a hardened product, and other factors.
The third stage is cooling. It is carried out abruptly, with a cold jet of air flows which are fed simultaneously from two sides. This is the most important stage of production, because without rapid cooling of the obtained sheet will have the stated characteristics of strength and stability.
If the hardening is carried out in compliance with the rules on the sheet surface will be a special layer which will provide glass high strength and resistance to impact, destruction.
Properties and advantages of tempered glass:
This type of glass has received another name – safe, for their high impact strength and the need for a serious effort to destroy. The uniqueness of this product allows its use in different industries and the number of fans of tempered glass is increasing every day. The reason – their key features:
security. If the glass or the product of it will also work to break, the fragments will be small, with rounded or blunt edges and will not injure a man;
– strength. Subject to the rules of operation and respect tempered glass will last for decades without changing their basic properties. The strength to bend up to 250 megapascals;
– resistance to temperature changes. Tempered glass does not lose its properties in the range of -150 to +200 OS and can withstand rapid swings up to 180 ° C inside the buildingand outside. Also, the material is not destroyed and is able to maintain its basic physical properties, the slow rise in temperature up to 1800 ° C;
– the thickness of the glass. Technology hardening is subjected to a glass thickness of 4 to 19 millimeters, in this case, the thicker the sheet, the less likely to break;
– light transmission. The glass prevents the penetration of sunlight into the room, keeping the bandwidth at 99%. While optical characteristics are maintained even-toned leaves.
If we consider the main advantages of tempered glass and products from them, to characterize them, you can:
– high-tech;
– modern;
– easy to transport;
– easy to install;
– durable;
– aesthetic visually.
The shortcomings of tempered glass:
Despite all the positive and unique qualities of tempered glass it has some disadvantages. So, carrying out any processing after the completion of the stages of incandescence and cooling impossible. Attempts to cut the glass, giving it different form or drill (even a diamond drill) will inevitably lead to the destruction of the leaf structure.
“Afraid” tempered glass and side impacts – even minor mechanical impact on the end part leads to the coating of the sheet with cracks and crumbles into small pieces. However, the latter a negative quality, the designers were able to turn into a feature of the latest development: created multi-layered solid panelsthat have the effect of broken glass, absolutely indistinguishable from the real chips. https://www.istmira.com/vtoraya-mirovaya-vojna/
Application of tempered glass:
The main application of heavy-duty and aesthetically beautiful material is window installation. But progress does not stand still and today’s products and structures made of tempered and bent tempered glass is successfully used for creation:
– shop Windows;
– skylights;
– barrier at the hockey grounds;
– railings for balconies, stairs and direct the creation of these structures;
– input groups;
– tableware;
accessories for the bathroom (shower cubicles, partitions for baths, etc.);
– solid facades and walls made of tempered glass;
– conservatories, atriums.
Tempered glass applied:
– in medicine;
– in the automotive industry.
– in the furniture industry;
– rail transport.
For vehicles made from tempered glass side or rear glass, the production of the same frontal structures made of this material is prohibited. This is one of the advantages of the material – the ability to disintegrate into small particles, which, although not able to hurt the human body, but it can injure the organs of vision . Therefore, to create windscreens used triplexes of unhardened silicate glass. Unlike tempered glass is a lower ability to transmit the light rays (in this they are similar to reinforced). The triplexes are also quite heavy, which is reflected in the ease of installation and transportation. The advantages of this type of glass include resistance to side impact, no shards when broken and a higher sound insulation.
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